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Adrenal Fatigue & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome... tell me everything u know PLEASE!

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(I'm copying and pasting from where someone else asked this same question!)


Look for the book "Adrenal Fatigue" by Dr. James Wilson http://www.adrenalfatigue.org/


Using the advice of the book (and my naturopathic doctor) I am taking a supplement for Adrenals called "Adrenal Optimizer" by Jarro. There are other brands of these supplements which are called adaptogens.


I am also on an adrenal diet - if you google "adrenal diet" you'll pretty much get the same diet plan which everyone copies. The gist of it is that when your adrenals are fatigued, you want to avoid stress - even physical stress. You want to keep your bloodsugar really even because having your bloodsugar go up and down is stressful to your body. So the recommendation is that you eat 5 small balanced meals (basically every 3 hours). All meals (including breakfast) should include veggies and protein. This diet has been a huge breakthrough for me! If I miss and my bloodsugar starts to get low, I can see the negative effect on my body very clearly.


I've also had Fibromyalgia (which has many similarities with CFS) for 20 years.

(P.S. I'm also on natural thyroid medicine.)


PS - you need to know that adrenal fatigue is a secondary diagnosis. In other words, yes your adrenal glands are tired out and overworked - but why? Something is depleting them. It may have been longterm stress or a major traumatic incident. It may be (as it was in my case) that my body was wiped out from dealing with some fairly severe vitamin deficiencies and parasites. For someone else it may be another reason entirely. It sounds like in your case it would be the mono or whatever infection you've been dealing with.

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I know that CFS is a real thing but I believe that many people are diagnosed with CFS when something else is really wrong. I know this happened to me. The dr diagnosed me with CFS when in reality I was hypoglycemic. When I treated that the issues when away. Just an FYI.

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I know that CFS is a real thing but I believe that many people are diagnosed with CFS when something else is really wrong. I know this happened to me. The dr diagnosed me with CFS when in reality I was hypoglycemic. When I treated that the issues when away. Just an FYI.


Both CFS and fibromyalgia are syndromes. A syndrome is not a disease. It is a collection of symptoms. These symptoms may have common causes but not always. Yes, you want to get to the root causes if possible. If not, doctors often just treat the symptoms.

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Both CFS and fibromyalgia are syndromes. A syndrome is not a disease. It is a collection of symptoms. These symptoms may have common causes but not always. Yes, you want to get to the root causes if possible. If not, doctors often just treat the symptoms.


hi jean :) ive actually been stalking some of your posts about this :lol: so my best bet my actually be to wait a few weeks and see if it clears up and if not, haul my butt into a naturopathetic doctor to find whats causing the syndromes?? im not sure we have a NP doc here ( we recently moved here, so i need to look into it).

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hi jean :) ive actually been stalking some of your posts about this :lol: so my best bet my actually be to wait a few weeks and see if it clears up and if not, haul my butt into a naturopathetic doctor to find whats causing the syndromes?? im not sure we have a NP doc here ( we recently moved here, so i need to look into it).


Yes, but I recommend getting the books linked above too. They go step by step through common and not so common causes and what to do about them.

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Yes, but I recommend getting the books linked above too. They go step by step through common and not so common causes and what to do about them.



awesome! i'll get them for sure! i just searched and we have 1 whole doctor in the area lol! i'll call and get some info tommorow and see how long there wait may be. by chance, since i know this will be non covered by insurance, do u have any general guess of what an evaluation and diagnosis cost?:001_huh:

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awesome! i'll get them for sure! i just searched and we have 1 whole doctor in the area lol! i'll call and get some info tommorow and see how long there wait may be. by chance, since i know this will be non covered by insurance, do u have any general guess of what an evaluation and diagnosis cost?:001_huh:


Many insurances do cover naturopathic doctors. I don't know how much it would cost, sorry.


Just so you know, most naturopathic doctors that I know have a long (often an hour long) initial consultation. They will usually collect a very long and detailed medical history. They might want blood work but since you just had your vitamin D levels etc. checked, you can take them a copy of that.

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I've had CFS for twenty-six years, to varying degrees of severity. I've also had Fibromyalgia for about three years (both illnesses are doctor-diagnosed). None of the holistic suggestions that I can afford have helped me, and not much in aliopathic medicine has helped either. What I have learned is to listen to my body on a day-to-day basis and do what I can.


Really, I don't knwo where to start with advice. Maybe asking questions would be a good start? What makes you think you have CFS?

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I'm sorry you've been dealing with these health issues. They are NO fun. Very frustrating, in fact!


It's very difficult to find doctors who are knowledgeable about these syndromes. You might want to look in the phone book for a compounding pharmacy near you. (Or google your town and the words compounding pharmacy.) Then go in and ask for a list of doctors that they recommend. Don't hesitate to go to more than one pharmacy.


You can also look for physicians at the American College for the Advancement for Medicine website (http://www.acam.org) or the Functional Medicine website (http://www.functionalmedicine.org) or doctors who are board certified in Environmental Medicine (http://www.aaemonline.org). Some chiropractors understand how to help with these issues better than medical doctors.


Feeling better seems to be a process. It is a puzzle, a mystery, and you might be the best person to put the pieces together (very hard when you feel awful!) Eating whole foods (especially avoiding white flour, white sugar, etc.) helps a lot. Resting when you need to rest helps. Avoiding stress as much as possible helps. There are some very helpful ideas in the book 90 Day Immune System Revised by Janet Maccaro. http://www.amazon.com/Day-Immune-System-Revised-life-saving/dp/B005DI95LO/ref=sr_1_fkmr0_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1330579216&sr=8-1-fkmr0 Green drinks like Kyo-green are particularly helpful to me on a short-term basis at least. http://www.amazon.com/Kyolic-Kyo-Green-Powdered-Drink-Mix/dp/B000ZMIKGY/ref=sr_1_12?ie=UTF8&qid=1330579915&sr=8-12


Vitamin D deficiency is often an issue and is worth having checked. Thyroid issues can contribute to feeling poorly. (StoptheThyroidMadness.com) Hormone issues complicate things. (A saliva test and a knowledgeable doctor can help evaluate these concerns).


I pray that your family is understanding. I have the most wonderful husband who is so willing to pick up the slack during my rough times. I know there are people in my life who don't understand and may think I'm just lazy at times. Friends who know me know that I am a hard worker and that Adrenal Fatigue and CFS are real.


I truly wish I could offer more help. Get your body as healthy as you possibly can and pray. There are (way too) many of us who understand and can be supportive so feel free to pm us.

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