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Flying through Singapore 2B

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I am not sure where to go with my middle son. He is going to turn 7 at the end of March and is flying through his math. Currently, he is working through Singapore 2B workbook. I am guessing this will take him about 6 weeks. He works on the book for about 25 min 3 days per week. I am doing next to no teaching. (I think I have helped him twice so far and he is 2/3 done with the book.)


I had planned to get him the IP book before he ever started this as a reinforcement but now I am not sure that he will need it. He seems to be truly mastering the material. Unfortunately, he is going to be done with the workbook before I go to convention and I really don't want to pay shipping for one book. I also don't want to take a break as this would be very upsetting to his brother. I do have some Miquon books that could fill the time.


Would you continue to have a child like this work through the workbook and then the IP books or just go start to the IP books? I do expect that I will have to start teaching him at somepoint :) He is also working his way through the CWP books although slowly because I don't assign them very often.

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I'd get the IP books and do them instead of the workbooks. (I would also suggest, if you're just getting the workbooks, getting the textbooks/IP instead. Model drawing really picks up in SM 3, and that's not explicitly taught in any of the workbooks). He may not need/want to do the first few pages of a section, but he'll probably enjoy the later, more challenging problems (and by 2B, there were a few I really struggled to solve myself without diving into skills that hadn't been taught yet).

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I am not sure where to go with my middle son. He is going to turn 7 at the end of March and is flying through his math. Currently, he is working through Singapore 2B workbook. I am guessing this will take him about 6 weeks. He works on the book for about 25 min 3 days per week. I am doing next to no teaching. (I think I have helped him twice so far and he is 2/3 done with the book.)


I had planned to get him the IP book before he ever started this as a reinforcement but now I am not sure that he will need it. He seems to be truly mastering the material. Unfortunately, he is going to be done with the workbook before I go to convention and I really don't want to pay shipping for one book. I also don't want to take a break as this would be very upsetting to his brother. I do have some Miquon books that could fill the time.


Would you continue to have a child like this work through the workbook and then the IP books or just go start to the IP books? I do expect that I will have to start teaching him at somepoint :) He is also working his way through the CWP books although slowly because I don't assign them very often.


2b seemed so easy.compared to 2a. We just finished it in about a month. We are going to do the IP and CWP now. I may skip some of the easy problems and just do the more challenging sections. There just was not much new in the book, my son can always use more practice. He tends to rush and make silly mistakes. We are working on taking our time ;)

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I agree that 2B seems much easier than 2A was. I use the IP concurrently, a topic behind (ie. we're doing money in the txt/workbook and multiplication in the IP) which fleshes it out. We're about halfway through 2B (DD turns 7 in july), and I'm looking at using Beast Academy when it comes out for 3rd. I'd definately use Miquon to fill in time, also you could do some living maths to fill in time - get some good books about math. We do living maths mondays, singapore tues-thurs, and miquon fridays. This seems to flesh out a good year worth of maths. Once we're finished miquon then the miquon/singapore combo will hopefully become a beast academy/singapore combo.

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Thank you all for your help.


Yes, I do have the text books and do use them. Currently, this child is not using them but he will be as we move forward.


How easy is it to use the IP with just the textbook? Most likely I will be getting both the workbook and the IP when I order for the year, but my goal will to be to use only the IP if he can handle it. Also, then I have the workbook to go to if he runs into trouble.

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I would make sure he's able to do the textbook practice problems also. They're harder than the workbook (the workbook is dead easy, IMO). Definitely get IP!


It's also ok if your 2nd grader ends up doing 3rd grade math while still in 2nd grade, so don't worry about that. ;) It sounds like the work is too easy, and you need to find "where he is". Keep going through it at whatever pace he needs. When you find "where he is", he will probably slow down, at least a little bit (though some kids never slow down... mine did, thankfully... we'll still do more than one grade level in a school year, but we're not doing 3 grade levels in a school year ;) ).

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That was our experience. My kid went though entire second grade SM (including IP and CWP) and is finishing up 3A right now. He is in first grade. My guess is you will find third grade math easy as well. I would recommend IP and CWP books for challenges. Keep your eyes on Beast Academy as well.

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Thanks for the encouragement. My son is in first grade right now and could easily finish 1.5 years of math this year. I have held him back some because I don't want him to catch up to his older brother. But, things are so easy for him right now that I really need to let him go. I am thinking he will go through most of 3A before fall and could easily go through all of 4 by this time next year, but I know that it will get harder for him so it will all go by how he is doing.


I will be getting him the IP books and continue to follow the BA threads. He loves to do Life of Fred and so that will continue also. Now, I just need to let him go, yet continue to make sure he is understanding all the material.

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