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Chronic bronchitis

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Allergies, with some asthma issues, mostly cold weather, exercise, and fumes. UGH! off to down more Benadryl.


Honestly, this time of year is so awful for people with these issues. I have had bronchitis 3 times this year and there isn't much to be done about it. I am praying winter is on its last legs!

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Veramyst (a nasal corticosteroid a la Flonase) saved my sanity and quality of life after moving to this part of the country. I'd never had allergies before and spent my first spring and fall pollen seasons here flat on my back. I was first treated for chronic bronchitis with one antibiotic after another until a PA recognized a pattern and started treating me for allergies.


One of my children recently went through all the allergy testing, due to an unshakeable cough (among other symptoms). A head xray revealed solidly congested sinus cavities. The initial treatment is daily Claritin and a double course of antibiotics, with talk of adding something like Singulair if symptoms persist.

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Honestly, this time of year is so awful for people with these issues. I have had bronchitis 3 times this year and there isn't much to be done about it. I am praying winter is on its last legs!


I hope winters ends soon too, for your sake.


Veramyst (a nasal corticosteroid a la Flonase) saved my sanity and quality of life after moving to this part of the country. I'd never had allergies before and spent my first spring and fall pollen seasons here flat on my back. I was first treated for chronic bronchitis with one antibiotic after another until a PA recognized a pattern and started treating me for allergies.


One of my children recently went through all the allergy testing, due to an unshakeable cough (among other symptoms). A head xray revealed solidly congested sinus cavities. The initial treatment is daily Claritin and a double course of antibiotics, with talk of adding something like Singulair if symptoms persist.


I never had allergies until we moved south. Now I brought them back. I suspect I've always had asthma issues, plus I'm sure I have some lung damage from radiation. We now have insurance, but won't have co-pay money until next week. Plus I hate to go to the doctor if he's going to tell me to take Benadryl (which does work). I'm improving, but between the Benadryl and being fatigued I slept half the weekend.

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Yeah, the fatigue is a HUGE part of allergies that many people aren't aware of. It's terrible, you feel like you just can't do anything. As if the breathing challenges weren't enough. :tongue_smilie:


One of our family members from this region would always have allergy attacks when visiting us down south. Funny how it all works.


FWIW, the allergist said to go to COSTCO and get their store brand loratadine tablets (Claritin equivalent). He calculated that one could get a year's supply there for about $17. That would be if you are open to taking Claritin over Benadryl.


Hope you feel better soon. With the mild winter, I am afraid we'll have some mighty pollen problems this year.

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Ugh. Are you coughing all the time, or is it more like sinus congestion? DD 13, the one that was just diagnosed with IgA deficiency, was given a recommendation by the allergist/immunologist at CMH for yucky symptoms. They tested her for allergies, and thankfully, all she showed was some sort of outdoor molds. Sinus congestion and frequent bronchitis-type illnesses are the kinds of things her deficiency causes her to have. Her Dr. recommended OTC Zrtec during the day, Benadryl at night, and an eye drop called Zatador, which is an OTC version of a more expensive prescription drop. You may not need that, but DD's eyes get horribly red and uncomfortable.


All of that sounds like it's just runny-nose/allergy-type stuff, but she coughs uncontrollably when this stuff isn't kept down. I also need humidifiers in the house, air filters, and lots of fluids. Winter is hard in the Midwest. :glare:

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Yeah, the fatigue is a HUGE part of allergies that many people aren't aware of. It's terrible, you feel like you just can't do anything. As if the breathing challenges weren't enough. :tongue_smilie:


One of our family members from this region would always have allergy attacks when visiting us down south. Funny how it all works.


FWIW, the allergist said to go to COSTCO and get their store brand loratadine tablets (Claritin equivalent). He calculated that one could get a year's supply there for about $17. That would be if you are open to taking Claritin over Benadryl.


Hope you feel better soon. With the mild winter, I am afraid we'll have some mighty pollen problems this year.


I haven't tried the generic Claritin. My dog has allergies too, so she takes Benadryl, so I just keep the big bottle around. I might try it and see how it works.


Ugh. Are you coughing all the time, or is it more like sinus congestion? DD 13, the one that was just diagnosed with IgA deficiency, was given a recommendation by the allergist/immunologist at CMH for yucky symptoms. They tested her for allergies, and thankfully, all she showed was some sort of outdoor molds. Sinus congestion and frequent bronchitis-type illnesses are the kinds of things her deficiency causes her to have. Her Dr. recommended OTC Zrtec during the day, Benadryl at night, and an eye drop called Zatador, which is an OTC version of a more expensive prescription drop. You may not need that, but DD's eyes get horribly red and uncomfortable.


All of that sounds like it's just runny-nose/allergy-type stuff, but she coughs uncontrollably when this stuff isn't kept down. I also need humidifiers in the house, air filters, and lots of fluids. Winter is hard in the Midwest. :glare:


It's coughing and not always productive. I'm fine if I don't move around. I can't take Zyrtec as it does something funky to me and I feel very hung over the next day. In the spring the sinus stuff hits. We need an air filter, I know that would help.

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My mom had it; her dr. gave penicillin and B12 shots to battle the worst of it.


She tried not to let any thing settle in now, by treating it early on. kwim?


I hope you feel better soon.


I was dxed ten yrs ago w/copd, but starting using juice plus and w/in 3 mos no more bronchitis symptoms, and threw away all meds.


Taking notes. Thank you.

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I haven't tried the generic Claritin. My dog has allergies too, so she takes Benadryl, so I just keep the big bottle around. I might try it and see how it works.




It's coughing and not always productive. I'm fine if I don't move around. I can't take Zyrtec as it does something funky to me and I feel very hung over the next day. In the spring the sinus stuff hits. We need an air filter, I know that would help.


Hmm, maybe the Claritin? I've seen small generic bottles of it at Target, just in case it does the same thing that the Zyrtec does, although I think they're different...?


And yeah, the air filter, wow, when I open that thing up, I'm just amazed at the tiny little particles of dust, dog hair, etc., etc.

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Hmm, maybe the Claritin? I've seen small generic bottles of it at Target, just in case it does the same thing that the Zyrtec does, although I think they're different...?


And yeah, the air filter, wow, when I open that thing up, I'm just amazed at the tiny little particles of dust, dog hair, etc., etc.


I think I'll try the Claritin. We don't have carpet, only a few rugs, but I took the one out of the classroom last week.

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