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It's a big day here!

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My DS10 has officially finished reading both The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Ring!


So tonight, he and I get to cuddle up on the couch and watch the Fellowship movie. :D

(That was always the deal, he would be allowed to watch the movies once he'd read the books).


This kid was my non-reader, and this year he's finally caught the reading bug. He picked up both books on his own, and finished them both in less than 2 months. I wasn't sure he'd ever learn to love reading, so I am, of course, thrilled. :party:

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Thanks for celebrating with me! :)

He was such a reluctant reader for so long.


He came out of his room after finishing Fellowship with tears in his eyes because of the way Frodo treated Sam so that he wouldn't want to come to Mordor with him. I cried. :P I know, it's silly, but to see him enjoying reading and being moved by a book- and some of the best books ever written- it's just special. :)

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