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Reading aloud. Help!

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Every time we settle down to read, my 2 year old thinks it's wrestling time. :glare:


Before he would listen a bit, get bored and go to his room to play with trains. Now he figured out it's another way to annoy his sisters and me.

It drives me insane. I constantly interrupt myself to untangle him from the girls, get him off the bookshelf etc. When he's not doing anything physical, he talks, sings, makes weird noises. :banghead:


It's like a switch - I start reading, he starts the shenanigans.


No matter how much attention I gave him before, it doesn't matter. The nap time is precious and my only time to have quiet time for myself and recharge. So I don't want to use that time for reading aloud.


Please, Hive, help me out! :bigear:

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My youngest usually breaks out toys to play with while I read aloud. I don't mind because he has a list of quiet toys he can play with. He usually picks legos. Could you set aside some special toys that he only gets to play with while you read aloud? This worked when my youngest was little. He looked forward to playing with the usually off-limits toys and would play quietly for a bit. HTH!

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Do you read a book for him, too? Frankly, if The Secret Garden is still your read-aloud, I would expect him to be bored - it isn't exactly 2yo boy fare, KWIM? I would start with a short picture book for him, then tell him while you read The Secret Garden he may either color or play quietly near you, or he may go to play in his room. If he disobeys, it's an obedience issue that needs to be dealt with in your family's usual manner.

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