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Grip Case for iPad


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There's a new iPad 3 getting announced March 7th, so that's my dream and why I'm researching. I don't know on the Otterbox thing. I've seen them in stores. I think there's going to be too much shifting around in our house (from dd12 to ds3 to me) to have it locked in something I can't get off easily. My ds has always been an angel with my phone and hasn't thrown it (much to my surprise), but I'm thinking the iPad will be enough bigger and more awkward that it might slip off accidentally. So I think this Grip Case thing would be just right for us. But mercy my heart went to my stomach when he dropped the iPad in that video! It does seem to work. As long as they're not writing, it should be fine. But for writing, they'd be at a table and not likely to drop it.

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I think that looks ridiculously huge and awkward. I am typing this from my iPad, which is safely encased in an Otterbox. I LOVE this case!! DS uses this all the time for his communication app among other things, and it is incredibly durable without being too bulky.


Yes, a "naked" iPad is much sleeker, but mine has fallen from about 5.5ft high onto a hardwood floor and been fine. It has had drinks spilled on it, and been fine. The only problem we ever had is that I dropped it in the van once, and the tabs on the hardshelled "lid" hit at just the wrong angle against the console, and one broke off.


Still, for whatever it's worth, IMO, the Otterbox rocks. I have handed off my iPad to kids with various SNs at therapy, and never worried a bit that they'd hurt it. It is worth every penny for peace of mind.

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(I had responded to OhElizabeth thread on k-8, so I reposted it here)


Wow, I hadn't seen that one, but we have big grips for the ipad 2. It is awesome. Our ipads have been dropped by our now 3 y/o. No damage at all. They feel good for when the adults get to use the ipad also. Very easy to take on and off, but not too easy for little ones. You can by a stand for about $30 also. My husband likes the stand, that is how he reads the paper in the morning. Totally worth the money. Just google Big grips ipad 2. You will see all the colors you can chose from.


Here is a link of my kids using one.



Mom to awesome dh and 3 amazing kiddos (8&6 y/o girls, and 3 y/o boy -and 3 dogs)




Real. Fun. Homeschool.

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We have an Otterbox for our I-Pad but my son was constantly picking at the seal and it kept coming undone. At the time we paid $80 for it and I was very unimpressed in the quality of it. We finally gave up on it. He has put 2 pretty good sized cracks into the I-Pad now from dropping it (one while it was encased in the Otterbox). We are sending it in for a new screen so I've been looking for a better way to protect it. This actually looks ideal for him because I wouldn't have to worry about him dropping it. We have hardwood floors and dropping the I-Pad on that is what got the cracks in it. His ABA coordinator would like us to get Proloquo2Go for the I-Pad and I've been kind of hesitant because ds doesn't know how to take care of the I-Pad.

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Amy, if you get it, let us know what you think! I didn't realize how many cases there are now. There's an iGuy by Speck, and that company has tons more. To me it makes sense that getting that separation between the case and the unit with the rim on the GripCase would allow for compression. I don't know how well it holds up with time or whether the rim holding the ipad in could become loose. In general though, it seems good.

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I agree.


I have the Otterbox Reflex case and I found it fit our needs (protection from bumps and drops) as we didn't need the Defender.




I think that looks ridiculously huge and awkward. I am typing this from my iPad, which is safely encased in an Otterbox. I LOVE this case!! DS uses this all the time for his communication app among other things, and it is incredibly durable without being too bulky.


Yes, a "naked" iPad is much sleeker, but mine has fallen from about 5.5ft high onto a hardwood floor and been fine. It has had drinks spilled on it, and been fine. The only problem we ever had is that I dropped it in the van once, and the tabs on the hardshelled "lid" hit at just the wrong angle against the console, and one broke off.


Still, for whatever it's worth, IMO, the Otterbox rocks. I have handed off my iPad to kids with various SNs at therapy, and never worried a bit that they'd hurt it. It is worth every penny for peace of mind.

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