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Anyone familiar with ITT Tech?


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Oldest DS is a junior and he is an art/tech/creative kid. We know he will NOT be going right off to a 4 year school because he is a young Junior and would never make it without someone to crap the whip on him for a few years:tongue_smilie:. We looked at ITT Tech and it is saying 90 credits for an associates??:confused: We did the math per credit fee and it is $44k for an associates degree? That doesn't sound right. My BS was only like 125 credits. Does anyone have any knowledge of this program that could enlighten me??

Thanks ladies

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DH used to be a recruiter for his work when we first got married, and they interviewed at several ITT schools. He was horrified at how expensive they are because he went to trade school and basically "earned while he learned" and wasn't out of pocket nearly as much.


If you have the option, I'd look at your local community colleges. They're less expensive, and if he decides to get a 4-year degree later, at least some of the coursework will count.

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Yes, agreeing with the other posters. In addition to the high cost graduation rates at these schools are typically very low. You should also know that it is not regionally accredited. Often credits earned at schools that are not regionally accredited will end up not being transferable to most colleges. I would encourage him to look at the community college options in your area. Many community colleges offer technical type programs. The difference is that they would be much lower cost and if he decides later to go for a bachelor's his credits would be transferable.

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Don't do it. The degree isn't worth the cost. My dh has over 100 thousand in student loans from ITT tech. He went because it was the only school offering a degree in what he wanted to do, but he wishes he had settled on something else and gotten a cheaper degree. He is constantly anxious about the debt.


Have your son go to a community college locally, or a state school online.

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