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Singapore...anyone not use the textbook?


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So far we've rarely even done all of the workbook problems so adding the textbook seems like overkill. I like having game ideas that I don't have to think about and dd for some crazy reason loves doing the mental math drills at the end of the HIG (she'll happily do 30 problems the way those are formatted, but balk about 6 problems in the workbook:confused:)


Does the textbook end up giving more of the instruction in later books?

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We are staring volume tomorrow in 2b, I did not understand how to get the answers in the wkbk before I looked at the text. The containers have no volume on them, in the text the illustrate volume with numbers and pouring from container to container. They breathe same pictures as the wkbk. I could teach him to guess on the wkbk alone, but that is not helping learn the concept. In that instance, I do need both to teach. Not because I cannot get the ans2on my own, but because I did not have the tools (correct size and shapped items) to teach the concept alone and then complete the pages.


Does that make sense....it is late, I am sleepy.....sorry if it does not make sense. ;)

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We do use the text and the workbook. I use the text book as the teaching time, to work together teaching and then the lucky child:) gets to do the workbook on his/her own. I do find the textbook is important because, to me, a lot of Singapore is teaching different methods to working out problems.

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