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What reading material is on your 6 yo's nightstand?

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Well, he's 8, but the ThinkGeek catalog is generally on the top of the pile, along with lego manuals, K'nex manuals, Boy's Life Magazines and occasionally even a book. Oh, and they aren't on the bedside table. They are IN the bed, under him, behind him, nearly on top of him. The kid makes a darn nest out of reading material!

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He doesn't have a nightstand, but next to his bed is the Runaway Ralph book. The catalog he is obsessed with is the Lakeshore Learning catalog. He's gone through it about 500 times since we got it in the mail. I have a feeling that if the RR catalog was as colorful, he'd go through that too.

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Birds and Blooms magazine (It came today. She snatched it up and ran!)

More stories from Grandma's Attic

By The Shores of Silver Lake

D'aulaire's Greek Myths

Modern Rhymes about Ancient Times - Ancient Greece

First Catechism

Meet Cecile

and a heap of Valentine cards! :001_wub:

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A bunch of things. He loves looking at my cooking magazines.


Yes, my 7 yo reads and rereads cookbooks and cooking magazine. Also, Family Fun. I think he thinks it's written for kids, not parents. And he just tried to abscond with the Virginia state organization's homeschooling magazine for some reason. It was mostly field trip ideas and I think he was trying to make our calendar even busier.

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My 6y/o has a stack of books on her night stand (her bookself is right next to it).


Some currents are:

National geographic kids magazine

DK plants book

Desert cookbook

The Jesse Tree

The Secret Garden

A series of unfortunate events 3

A stack of how to draw books

A few of her 'sophie and the shadow woods' books


Apparently it's too hard to put books 5 inches further away in the bookshelf!

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