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Teachers Lodge - Happy Valentines Day!

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Whether you're married, single, separated, divorced, widowed, or not sure ;)

I'm wishing you ALL a




I bought lots of snacks at the Hostess Bakery Outlet yesterday in the hopes that someone will come to our planned-at-the-last-minute Valentine Open House today. Just because I love to have people visit, and they don't often.


That being said, I have lots of sugary goodness available (jean, I'll make you an omelet :D), so feel free to indulge!


What are you up to today? We MIGHT get some school done. We were going to go to the Renaissance Faire today but since we just adopted the dog on Sunday, and she's not yet house-trained, we'll be staying home today.


Doing anything special for Heart Day today? My friend's anniversary is today but she's in Wyoming, so I won't be doing anything with or for her. Gave my son and husband their gifts this morning. DD isn't up yet. What did I get? ZIP!:confused: Ah, well, God has been helping me develop a thick skin lately and a tough heart. Maybe I'll buy myself a gift! :D


If you could do ANYthing you wanted today, what would you do? I'd move my entire family into a new-to-us home, on at least 2.5 acres of land, in a city that's about 2 hours NW of here.


Talk to me! :bigear:

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:001_wub::001_wub:Happy Valentine's Day!:001_wub::001_wub:


What are you up to today? School and chores mixed with some extras. One of the extras is that dd10 is interviewing today at Y for a volunteer position.


Doing anything special for Heart Day today? Dd10 (AKA the Events Planner) has a day of love and squishiness planned for us. She's decorated the house and has planned tonight's special Valentine's meal (spaghetti, salad and a special brownie dessert). There will also be games. I have done nothing for my special people. I will find time today to make a couple of simple homemade cards.


If you could do ANYthing you wanted today, what would you do? Anything? The first thing that popped into mind was that I would supervise a whole crew of busy but free workers in tearing out my old kitchen and building me a new one.

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Thank you! Same to everyone! Dh put out his annual candy boxes for us, and this morning I found a beautiful necklace on my computer! :001_wub: The girls ate candy while we discussed I Cor. 13 and played a song based on that chapter. We've been doing school in a relaxed way, currently taking a snack break. I have loaded up a video about India to watch in a bit. After lunch we're going shopping to get dh a card and a treat. So, a very nice day!

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Happy Valentine's Day to you, too!


What's going on today... It's a regular Tuesday around here - complete with allergy shot (which the boy has started complaining are getting more and more painful... I swear he doesn't have an 'it itches' response to anything... even mosquito bites 'hurt'), swim lesson, violin lesson, dinner, school, etc. Oh, and did I mention the boy has started covering his left eye while he works and when I forced him to use it today, he started whining because "there's two of everything?" And did I mention I have a double astigmatism in both eyes and he's already had eye problems (and surgery)? :banghead: Oh, and now DH just called... his grandmother, who got out of the hospital on Saturday, isn't doing well and has asked DH to take her to the doctor, so I may be helping with THAT today rather than anything else.


Geez... this day's going downhill quickly!! :)


Doing stuff for Heart Day... The family and I exchanged cards this morning. DH got us all chocolates and got me roses, which is his usual. I'm currently waiting on a text from a friend to say that his twin sons have been born - his wife has been in the hospital for several weeks and they're doing a C-section today. I did fix steak, green beans, garlic smashed red potatoes, and heart-shaped brownies for dinner on Sunday because I knew today would be like this.


If I could do anything today... I'd move, too... and maybe win the lottery, if I could do ANYTHING. We're planning to move in the next few months anyway, but if I could just get it all over and done with ASAP, that'd be a dream come true.

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Good morning and Happy Valentines's Day to everyone.


What are you up to today? I have to go do errands I didn't get done yesterday, and package up a bunch of books to mail out on Wednesday.


Doing anything special for Heart Day today? Nothing - I'm single so for me it's Singles Awareness Day lol. I did treat myself and order pizza last night so I don't have to cook today.


If you could do ANYthing you wanted today, what would you do? Hmm....probably get my roof fixed and put new flooring in my house. Both need done desperately and the funding is just not there.

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:001_wub: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO ALL :001_wub:

Hostess goodies, Yum-O


What are you up to today? School and ball practice definately. A friend wants me to meet her for coffee this afternoon and I think I am going to go. I don't get much time out like that. Also hope to stop by my mom's before ball practice and drop off a card. I did a photo card of the kiddos for valentines.


Doing anything special for Heart Day today? Our anniversary was Sunday and dh got me a card (I was shocked) I am not expecting anything for valentines. Dh didn't get anything from me on our anniversary nor will he be getting anything today for valentines but I have ordered him something that should be in by the end of the week.


I got the kiddos something but have been teasing them telling them they can't have it until dh gets home. It is so funny cause they were with me when I bought it.


If you could do ANYthing you wanted today, what would you do? I will have to think on that. My mind went totally blank.

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Happy Valentine's Day!!!


What are you up to today? We were going to go on a walk, but Pigby started a barking cough, so I'll probably keep them all inside. I guess we'll just do our usual routine.


Doing anything special for Heart Day today? We celebrated yesterday. DH got dinner from our favorite restaurants on his way home from work last night. :001_wub: He also stopped by Walmart and I told him to get me some chocolates; the bigger the box, the more he loves me :lol:. He also picked up some white ferrero rochers that was my gift to him :D. And the best surprise of all: He got me a 10" BH&G stainless steel skillet!!!! I've been missing a skillet ever since our Teflon pan lost its nonstick qualities and have vowed to stay away Teflon forever and only get ones that will last forever! I was so happy; it's honestly the best present he's ever given me.:001_wub:


If you could do ANYthing you wanted today, what would you do? Rearrange furniture and COMPLETELY clean and organize the house. Wait, supervise while someone else does that. We need more bookshelves, but have no where to put them. I just want everything to have a place, but am not very good at getting there on my own. I really wish I had a professional organizer come and help me.

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What are you up to today?

We have a Valentine's Party with our homeschool group today. The girls and I baked/decorated cookies to take to share. Otherwise we have had a normal school day thus far.

Doing anything special for Heart Day today?

I surprised the girls with pink waffles this morning. I never make waffles... really. This was the second time ever. Dh and I gave the girls their cards & a small box of chocolates each. Yes, they are in heaven today.

I'm going to make a favorite supper for the husband. :001_wub:


If you could do ANYthing you wanted today, what would you do?

I'd love to go away on a vacation with my husband. Alone. Together. Someplace WARM!



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What are you up to today? We're trying to get back into our routine after a quick vacation at Great Wolf Lodge. We got home late last night and I'm now trying to get caught up on laundry, household chores, etc. We've done about a 1/2 day's worth of school. DD14 has dance this evening (4-8pm) and ds and dh have Cub Scouts.


Doing anything special for Heart Day today? Not really. I did get my dh a card and two nice bags of coffee beans (splurge).


If you could do ANYthing you wanted today, what would you do? I'm not good at questions like this....I have too many ideas and can never narrow it down to just one thing! I guess if money were not an issue, I'd go on vacation with my husband and kids. We had such a good time on our getaway this weekend...it made me realize that we really don't do that type of stuff enough. That was our first vacation in over 7 years....and that was only because my dad got the kids a gift card to Great Wolf Lodge as a Christmas gift.

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Happy Valentine's Day!


Up to today? I went to the dentist. Isn't that on the top ten list of favorite valentine's activities? Other than that, I'm busy at work, have a few errands, and then the kids have art class tonight.


Anything Special? I went to the dentist. But other than that dh got a month of yoga classes for the two of us. I think that is terribly romantic. We got the girls a silver and crystal heart necklace. I'm not a big fan of candy, and they'll get plenty from the various little parties they're attending.


ANYTHING? Hmm, I'd have to be sailing on my 42' catamaran in the Bahamas because if I'm not restricted to the reality of winter in CO, no catamaran, and the fact that one of my kids gets seasick, that's what I'd be doing.

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