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WWYD - Let DS Go to Valentine's Day Party?


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Ds has a Valentine's Day party tomorrow at an indoor inflatable play center (or as I like to call it - That Jumpy Place). Dd woke up in the middle of the night last night throwing up. She threw up all morning and then acted fine the rest of the day. After going to bed tonight, she threw up again (this time projectile vomiting!). Right now she is sleeping.


So far, ds and I feel fine. My mom has offered to take him to his party tomorrow. Of course he has been exposed to dd's stomach bug (although I tried to keep them separated and had him wash his hands frequently). Should I let my mom take him tomorrow or would it be better to keep him home?


ETA: Part of the reason I'm even question this is that a homeschooling friend watches ds two days a week while I work and she was supposed to have him tomorrow (she was taking him to the party). My friend is going out of town later in the week and when I told her today that dd was sick, she decided that she doesn't want to have ds tomorrow, just in case he gets sick. I agreed with her, as I understand how frustrating it is to plan a trip out of town, only to have someone get sick. However, if I send ds with my mom, he will still be at the play place with her kids (and others). I guess I was just questioning myself about this...I would hate to make anyone sick!

Edited by mandos mom
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Yes, I'd definitely send him, and I am pretty careful about keeping my kids home when they've been sick. He wasn't sick and might not get sick. He might be exposed to different sick kids at any time. Think of the kids in school - if someone gets sick in class, they don't then keep all the kids who were exposed to him home from school the next day.


I think you're being perfectly responsible if you send him. I might have a different opinion if it was a terribly dangerous/deadly illness for some people to catch, like German measles or Fifth's Disease or one of those types of things. Not that the stomach flu isn't a real PITA or even fairly serious in some kids, but I don't think you should quarantine a child that has just been exposed to common flu or viruses, etc. when they've shown no symptoms.

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I voted no.



Here is why: There may be some kids there with very sensitive immune system. They can get sick if the virus is there.


My son is one of those people. If he is around anybody that has a virus carrier, can/will get sick. Do I prevent him from going to places? No I do not. Likewise I do not let him go out if he has been expossed or are sick. I hope that other parents do the same. Sadly they do not. I have seen parents take their sick kids to the events that my son is in then he is sick as a dog next day. Everybody talked about "that kid that is sick and why the mom let him be here". Remember if you have been exposed to a sickness you can pass it along to somebody else without the child itself being sick.


Sorry I know this is not what you want to hear but there you go. If one of my kids are sick or somebody is sick in family, NONE goes.



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