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Duggars on the Today Show....tomorrow (2-14-12)

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I don't really follow them, because I only have 3 local tv channels. But, I do usually watch the Today Show each day. They are supposed to be on tomorrow; their "first interview since their loss" (which I'm assuming is their miscarriage.....which I only knew about from posts here at this site). Anyway, just wanted to give anyone a heads up if they want to watch it tomorrow.

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Am I the only one wondering if she is pregnant again?


I'll watch, but just out of curiosity. I'm not a big fan of them.


I wondered that too. Every time they've done it before, they have made an announcement. Either they're going to talk about Jubilee, or they have something to tell the world.


Michelle is pregnant, Anna is pregnant, both are pregnant, or one of the kids is engaged ... probably John-David or possibly Jana, maybe Jill.

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I wondered that too. Every time they've done it before, they have made an announcement. Either they're going to talk about Jubilee, or they have something to tell the world.


Michelle is pregnant, Anna is pregnant, both are pregnant, or one of the kids is engaged ... probably John-David or possibly Jana, maybe Jill.


My thoughts exactly.

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I wondered that too. Every time they've done it before, they have made an announcement. Either they're going to talk about Jubilee, or they have something to tell the world.


Michelle is pregnant, Anna is pregnant, both are pregnant, or one of the kids is engaged ... probably John-David or possibly Jana, maybe Jill.



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I just saw the interview. There was no announcement. They mostly talked about Jubilee and the miscarriage. Michelle talked about how when this happens to people, other people don't know what to say and they don't want to say anything to hurt you....but, when they don't say anything that hurts too. They said they've cried and prayed a lot, which has brought them all closer. It's been 8 weeks since the miscarriage. They showed a clip from when they got the news at the routine ultrasound. That was sad. They said they have 10 girls and 10 boys, but that right now they have 9 girls here and 10 boys. Then they talked about some crazy woman who tried to extort money from a tv show....she had pictures of the Duggars neice with a man (but they were not inappropriate), and she wanted $10,000....giving the tv show her name address and bank account number (real smart!). There was some sting operation and she was caught. That was basically it. Except, for this interview....there were no kids with them. They said they would have a special Valentines Day in New York, just the two of them. They were just as nice and sweet as ever.

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