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Help! How do I dry out a DS

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My ds had his Nintendo DS sitting on his desk. Next to it on the dresser was an unopened bottle of bubbles that I bought him a few weeks ago. He was cleaning his room today and realized that the bubbles had leaked and the ds was sitting in a pile of bubbles. I immediately took the game out of it and dried it out as well as I could but it is obvious that there is still some liquid in the place where you put the game. Would it be better to just let it dry naturally or should I try to stick something like a Q-tip in it to try to dry it. If I do that I'm afraid that it would leave behind residue and make it not work. Any suggestions? DS is very upset. He always takes very good care of his things and this was just a freak accident. It also ruined a pile of baseball cards and a few other things.

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Heh heh.... I thought you had a waterlogged boy on your hands!


You should leave it sit until it dries out by itself. DO NOT turn it on. Bad, bad things happen when you turn on wet electronics to see if they still work. Ask me how I know...... and please don't mention the Palm Pilot or TV remote to dh. :D

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Ok....we've have washed one and a couple of GameBoys.


Let it dry out over a couple of days. They recharge the battery. It will probably work. All of ours have, even after gogin through a complete wash cycle.

I am worried about he soap solution though. Ours always get through the rinse cycle before they are discovered.


If it doesn't work, you can get it reapired by Nintendo for about half the price.

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