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Bitter Sweet day

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Okay ladies bear with me, I have to get this out so I can go on with my day. Today is my birthday, that is a good thing(unless you count getting older a bad thing), having it on friday the 13th is cool too it only happens once every 10 years. However today is also the 2 yr anniversary of my 6th m/c. Yes I lost my last one on my birthday. I know I would not have my precious baby girl if that pregnancy lasted, I found out I was expecting her 2 days before my original due date. But the fact remains that while I should be happy and celebrating today all I want to do it cry in rememerance of all the little one's I lost, especially this last one(of all the ones I lost, this had been the only "planned" pregnancy, I planned that one for a year before ttc so it was especially hard to lose him/her compared to the others who where lost while I was still in shock of being pg, they were ones conceived when not trying but not preventing kwim).


Anyway, my 3 oldest kids slept over at grandma's last night because she knew I would be having a rough time of things remembering, I will be picking them up later before going back over there for dinner and cake tonight. I am so blessed to have my beautiful baby girl, and I am blessed to have reached another birthday healthy etc, so many don't but I still hurt for the one lost even 2 years later.


You don't have to reply, I just had to get that jumbled mess out of my head so I could move on with my day kwim.

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I lost a baby back in 1995. Just this past week I was thinking a lot about that baby. How old he or she would have been, etc. I don't know for a fact that I wouldn't have had my other two children born after my miscarriage or not, but most likely not two more. So, I still mourne my lost baby, but I rejoice in my other two blessings that God gave me to raise. :grouphug:

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Sweet Brandy, I'm sorry for the pain today has to bring along with the joy. I can't imagine how that must feel. I'm so glad grandma was able to take the 3 older kids for you so you could have some time and peace to yourself.


Go smell that baby head smell, kiss those sweet cheeks, shed some tears and rejoice in the beautiful children who are here with you. :grouphug::grouphug::grouphug: If I were there with you I'd bring you chocolate and hugs.

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In all gentleness, I would offer my own belief, which you may not share--


I believe that one day, we will meet all our children in heaven. I don't know what form they will have, but I believe they are all safe in God's keeping. Some miscarriages happen so very early, moms may not even realize they were pregnant before they got what seemed to be a normal period. I think many of us will be surprised to see we had more children than we thought.


I hope this day brings you great joy in the midst of your great sorrow. It's a "dappled thing" this life--joy and pain, light and shadow, twilight and sunrise.

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