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Anybody have a deployed spouse?

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Hi there,

How long has he been gone. I am a Navy wife of 11 years today (I just realized that it's after midnight so it's now my anniversary)


I've been through 4 deployments of 6 months each and numerous (way too many to count) work up periods of the ship being gone for a month here, 2 months there. Oh and we also had a time of 18 months where he was on the west coast on his ship which after deployment wasn't going back there so we were on the east coast waiting for it to eventually move it's homeport to there.


My dh also just got back 2 weeks ago from being gone for 6 weeks. I know how crummy it can be when they're gone. Some days your ok and others you just really want to have them there with you.


If you ever need to "talk" give me a holler http://www.fawkes.academy@gmail.com

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Thanks so much for your sweet words! He's been gone a little over 4 months. 2 more to go until we get to see each other. You know most days I'm fine, but every now and then... Man, I just need his arms. This is actually MY first deployment. It's not his first (just mine). We were just married in October and actually haven't even gotten to live under the same roof yet. Before he deployed ( in early Feb) we were bouncing between his home state, my home state , and his duty station. (Minnesota, Arkansas, Florida/N.Carolina) We decided it would be best if the kids and I remained here until he was settled. (I have 2 from a previous marriage-He had none, but now does:)) So, the plan for now is we will not sell this house until he is off active duty. He is Army Reserve, but just keeps volunteering! As of now, he either comes home for 2 weeks and then goes back for 6 months or... if he gets his extension, he will get a 2 week leave, be stationed stateside through Dec. then go back for 4-6 months. We are really hoping he will be stateside for awhile. Though he loves his job and believes he is in God's will, he misses me as much as I miss him. I really do support what he is doing and I am proud of him. I'm just having a lonely night. (This too shall pass)

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Thank you for the sacrifices you, your dh and your dc are making for the rest of us.


I was just complaining about my dh being away for so long. I miss him! He is not military but is in Asia right now. He left June 1 and may come home next week, his trip was just extended. He has been gone 6 of the last 12 weeks, next week it's 7 out of 13 weeks. That's nothing compared to 4 -6 months!


You are helping me to realize that I have nothing to complain about!

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Oh Christina,


I will pray for you as well. You know, I really am not complaining. God has blessed me SO immensely and if I never had another blessing I would still have to sing His praises. I just waited so long to feel the way I feel now Yes, I know, feelings change. You can't put your faith in "Feelings." But, truly God brought us together and has had His hand on our entire relationship. He has given me the kind of love I longed for, but didn't think I would ever have. (Or at least not until I was old) I am so thankful for my dear husband and I would wait forever if I had to (But, I sure wouldn't like it) I just miss him that's all.


Oh, did I mention my brother is deployed as well. I've dealt with him serving many times. Boy, being a military wife is a lot different than being a military sibling. I have a new found respect for my sister-in-law. She is the one that really needs prayers. She is at her wits-end with a VERY active, not so obedient 5 year old. Yeah, my family will be much more at ease when they BOTH come home safely!


But... We are SO proud of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

They are my heros. True men of honor.

As each of them have said at different times... "We fight there... so our women and children don't have to see war."

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My hubby is not currently deployed but he is away. We've been through 2 combat tours and many, many shorter separations in our marriage. We were separated 6 of the first 12 months we were married. It's not always easy, that's for sure. Hang in there, take it one day, one hour, one breath at a time.:grouphug:

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Thanks! Nice to hear from another Army wife. We have a lot of military families around here, but all Air Force and none homeschooling. The Air Force guys ar going for about 3-4 months. Some longer. I guess being apart is being apart.

Oh, I'm fine. Looking forward to August though.


But, it's nice to hear from others in the same boat. It's also nice to hear that other woman are actually supporting their husbands and not leaving them while they are deployed. (Horrible reality for some we know- my husband included- His previous wife decided to move in with a boyfriend 2 weeks after he came home from a war zone- NICE!) Anyway, I think his return from war this time will be a happy event! Hurry up August!

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My dh isn't in the military, but he *is* away right now, working on the other side of the country while the kids and I stay here - I know how much it can suck, so a million hugs for you....hang in there. :grouphug:


(easier said then done, but y'know.)


(I'm actually a grown-up military brat, so I have some experience on that side of the fence too - but as a child missing a parent, not a spouse...different situation)

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My husband was deployed last year at this time, but thankfully this year he's home. We've done many deployments. . .


My neighbor across the street, her husband is deployed currently (they are national guard, and the only reason she didn't get deployed is because she was pregnant).


I know the feeling of missing him. . .how it can suddenly be so intense, or come at you at the oddest moments. Missing a phone call can send you in fits ('course, getting a phone call can send you in fits too. . .) And then there are times where life gets so crazy, and you suddenly realize you weren't missing him. . .(guilt).


It's funny, as most of my husband's deployments have ocurred when we really don't have anything to do with "post", and he's not deployed as a unit. I know a number of wives that always talk about how gratefull they've been that they were around so many (truly) understanding women. I haven't really had that experience, and when you add homeschooling to it. . .


Best of luck to you, your children and your man! Even over vast distances your strength and love will carry each other.

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Oh, so true! All of it ... The phone calls...the guilt...not being sent with a unit (that's us too)...homeschooling...Man, you have lived in my shoes! Thanks so much. And I just have to mention again... THE PHONE CALLS!!!!

Funny you should mention. I DO get so worked up. And missing one...tears! Anyway, I feel much better today (go figure). Must go pick my youngest up from church camp. (That's a first for us too) My 16 year old(who loves to "Go" anywhere) has never been to camp. My 10 year old (who is my home-body) came in begging for permission to go to camp. Well, she didn't call home crying, so I guess she has enjoyed it. I don't know if she is ready to ome home, but I am ready for all my family to be home!




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Dh has been gone the last 2 months, he's just training right now, but won't be able to be home before he deploys in Oct. He's been gone 2 of the last 3 years....after this deployment it will be 3 of 4 years. He's Army Natl Guard.

I know we'll get through it. I'm just tired of it. We're the only military family around, we're the only homeschool family around. Nothing like being the odd duck in the pond. But, dh loves it and I'm proud of him. :patriot:

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I was in the Navy and stationed in Japan while DH stayed in AZ for the first two years of my marriage. We chose that route because I didn't want to extend my enlistment by a year so he could join me in Japan, knowing my ship would be deployed more than in port.


We wrote LONG letters to each other, sometimes filling a whole notebook, as well as sending email. Something about a real letter...


Go write him, tell him how you're feeling, how much you miss him.

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I know that odd duck feeling. But, hang in there we will both make it ok. My sister-in-law really feels like you. My brother & husband are in the Middle East. My brother has been gone more than home since their daughter was conceived. She just turned 5. I know I don't have it so bad. At least I am near almost all my family. In fact I'm only about 6 hour from you. If you ever feel like driving to Texarkana that would be about half way. I'd be willing to meet and spend an afternoon. (Just a thought)

I'll keep you guys in my prayers.


adoring wife to Lee

mother to Jakeb(16), Lyndsi(10)

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Does anyone remember the thread about giving personal info out over the internet?


How, you give a smidge in one post, a bit in another thread, a photo somewhere else, a link to a completely identifiable blog, and pretty soon, some weirdo has figured out who you are and where you live?


OPSEC, folks. OPSEC.


We're in a war.




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