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About to throw Singapore Math out the window...talk me down from the ledge please!!


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Ok, this may get wordy, so my apologies up front!:tongue_smilie:


This is my second year homeschooling...I know I am learning more and more what work for my kids...and for me!! Last year I had a 3rd grader and a 1st grader. This year, I have added a Ker to the mix...so 4th,2nd, and K.


Last year we did McRuffy Math 3rd and 1st. I loved it, and I hated it!! I loved the look of it, it made sense, and was easy to teach...but I just felt it jumped around too much!!! (I am NOT mathy...at.all.)


This is year, I switched to CLE 4 for my DS (9), and did SM 1b/2a for DS 2nd grade, and SM Essentials for Ker. I chose SM for my DS(8) because he tends to just "see" math. He just gets it!! (It is quite fun to watch, actually). And I thought SM would give much conceptual practice. However,as the year has gone on, I am just frustrated with all the components. I feel like I am looking at the HIG and then at the text and trying to incorporate the manipulatives and blah blah blah!!! I feel motion sick when we are done! All the while, he has already solved the problem by the time I get all my "stuff" together to show him how to do it!!!! I think I have been really concerned with getting him to understand the whole WHY (changing to numbers to nearest 10 before adding, etc) but in the mean time he can just DO IT already!!


In the meantime, CLE has been AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love the little chunks of new material mixed with the review! My DS has made HUGE leaps in his math this year!! I could not be happier!!


So, now as I plan next year....I am in a quandry with what to go with!! I know I am going with CLE 5 for DS next year, and I am just thinking it would be so much easier to just put EVERYONE in ClE next year!!! I don't want to do my DS (8) a disservice, but in the end, I have to keep my sanity, too!! KWIM???


I just don't know what to do!! But, I honestly don't know if I can face another year wtih SM!!! If I just had the one child, I would most likely stick it out! But, with 3 to teach, I have to consider it all!


I am thinking of just switching him to CLE and then using the CWP and maybe the Extra Practice workbooks during the summer.


So do I jump off the ledge and leave SM or go back inside and stick it out??




Thanks for listening and TIA for your help!!



Edited by agst1967
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It isn't like you would be switching curriculums blindly. You have already tried CLE and know that you like it and it works for you and yours. I think switching to CLE and using the CWP and the Intestive practice or other workbooks in the summer is a great idea.

Like you said, you don't have just one child. You need to do what will make homeschooling work for all of you. Atleast you don't have to adapt to the needs of 25 students like a classroom teacher! Switching to CLE would be a very small compromise if it is a compromise at all. It might just be what IS best!

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I think there are some good parts to Singapore...but I felt very frustrated this year (especially with the last few months) ... I felt like I had to keep re-reading the HIG to understand what to do. I'm not really "mathy" myself and have never been taught conceptual math -- so that is probably half the problem! However, I'm loving CLE right now (we just switched over).

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I do like Singapore, but it has to be a good fit for you as well as for your kids. If CLE works better for you, I'd go with it. It's a solid program and you already know that you like it. I'd finish off the year with Singapore (because you already have it) and then move to CLE with all your kids next year.

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or.. you could switch the mathy one to math mammoth. LOL. Ok, so maybe CLE makes more sense. But I have my mathy one doing Math Mammoth and love how it is so independent - no TM - fast, incremental, but teaches him to see the why's. Love it. Oh-and it is so cheap! I bought the pdf and print it.

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If your son didn't need the manipulatives, don't get them out. Problem solved. :)


The mathy son may get bored with CLE. I'd try some sample pages with him first and see if he's ok with doing a bunch of review problems. Some mathy kids are fine with that, and some aren't.


Math Mammoth is also a good choice, though the presentation is not as †fun†as Singapore. We used 4 grades of MM and recently switched to Singapore. My son doesn't usually need manipulatives to understand math. Both MM and Singapore have been good fits.

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We use CLE and CWP together. I feel my kiddo is getting the best of both worlds, so to speak. CLE is concrete and challenging. CWP really makes him use his brain, to think outside the box.


Whatever you decide, good luck. I am finishing up my 5th year, and I am just now becoming confident that I have chosen the "right" curricula for each of my children.

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If your son didn't need the manipulatives, don't get them out. Problem solved. :)


The mathy son may get bored with CLE. I'd try some sample pages with him first and see if he's ok with doing a bunch of review problems. Some mathy kids are fine with that, and some aren't.


Math Mammoth is also a good choice, though the presentation is not as †fun†as Singapore. We used 4 grades of MM and recently switched to Singapore. My son doesn't usually need manipulatives to understand math. Both MM and Singapore have been good fits.


:iagree: If he doesn't need the manipulatives and the extra help from the HIG, don't use them! Try just the textbook & workbook.

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Thank you SO much everyone!!! I will definitely finish out the year, and then I am thinking I will get the first 2 light units from CLE and see if likes them over the summer, if not...I'm thinking maybe MM (I purchased it the Coop last year!) If he likes it...well, the decision will just be that much easier!!!


Thanks again, everyone!!!!



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I rarely use the Singapore Instructor Guide with my daughter. I sometimes read over it the night before to help me understand a concept. She does not need hands on, so I don't use hands on. We work through the textbook and that is enough. If he doesn't need manipulatives, don't use them. They will only get in the way. He is probably understanding it just fine if he can work through the workbook independently.

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It is just a guide. You are not even supposed to do everything in it. Just what you want. You should not even have it open during lesson time. Read it to get an idea and do it your own way that fits best with your child. But if you really hate it, do something else.

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