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And He's Off

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Wolf woke me up at 545am. Man has a death wish.


Actually, he was leaving to go away over night...he's got the big, important Dream Job interview tomorrow am, and it's over 5 hrs drive from here. He went a day early to check out the area and do some research so that he's uber prepared for the interview.


So, everyone was up to say goodbye. *yawn*


Praying he gets this job. It would enable us to move out of our current city, which is something we've wanted since before getting married (9 yrs in Apr). Better weather means pain levels are better for me, or at least less 'please kill me' days due to the cold.


*shuffles off for more coffee*

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Wolf woke me up at 545am. Man has a death wish.


Actually, he was leaving to go away over night...he's got the big, important Dream Job interview tomorrow am, and it's over 5 hrs drive from here. He went a day early to check out the area and do some research so that he's uber prepared for the interview.


So, everyone was up to say goodbye. *yawn*


Praying he gets this job. It would enable us to move out of our current city, which is something we've wanted since before getting married (9 yrs in Apr). Better weather means pain levels are better for me, or at least less 'please kill me' days due to the cold.


*shuffles off for more coffee*

:D Praying for a successful interview and an offer!

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Thanks everyone!


He'll be home tomorrow, in time for tucking the Littles into bed.


I'm already facing issues...


My bad forearm and shoulder feel like they're precharley horse.


Owie, owie, owie.


Never freakin fails, something like this just HAS to crop up. :banghead:

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