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I think I might go to the NCHE conference for the first time ever!

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I've never been to the conference, and I'm wondering if it would be a good idea. This year has been soooooooo hard, and I think I might need to hear some speakers to give me some encouragement. I'm terrified of the book fair part, lol. I think I'll only $20 extra so I don't feel compelled to buy everything I see. :D


If you've been to a homeschool conference, do you think hearing some speakers will help me? Encourage me? Or make it worse? :lol: We don't have any major problems. This is our 7th year, and I'm just tired. I need a breath of fresh air.


Here is a list of the speakers if that helps.

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I have heard good things about the NCHE conference, although I've yet to go myself. Like you, I worry that the curriculum fair would make me go overboard!


I don't think going to the conference could hurt as the talks are supposed to motivate you. Maybe attending the one on Thursday - 17 Years Homeschooling and I Hardlly Even Twitch would be a good one since she may talk about handling it for the long haul? If I was feeling tired, I would be seeking out veteran homeschooling types of talks.


I'm still contemplating whether or not I will go... I'm just so curious! :D

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I have been for the past 6 years - love it.


Read up on the speakers and go with the ones that interest YOU.


Last year the bookfair was the smallest I've seen there - we actually left

with a lot less than usual... but so fun to touch all the stuff I had been thinking about buying

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Like I tell my friends with young ones who haven't been - if you are not conservative Christian, you may fel out of place.


Vision Forum has always been there.


I don't see any others that raise big controversy. But then there are others that don't raise controversy - Rod and Staff, Apologia, Bob Jones. I would still say most of them will be Christian in som way shape or form.


If these things don't bother you, you will be fine. I actually do lean into the conservative Christian realm. I don't believe in patriarchy to the extreme some do, but I do believe Dad is the head of the household. (But you don't have to live at home until married for instance.)


If you go, you can see me! I'll be there. I haven't registered yet, but I will. My oldest has a friend graduating there this year and wants to stay and see it.

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I've been the past few years and I'm already registered for this year. I have never been to all 3 days because I can't really get away that long but I've always greatly enjoyed the lectures I've heard . DD #2 (age 11) loves to go with me and I usually let her pick out some of the speakers. Last year she chose talks on archaeology (the folks from Lukeion) and astronomy. It 's a special time for us.

I have to say, though, the book fair wasn't as good last year. I really wanted to see the HOD table but they didn't come.

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I looked at that one, but I think that's the weekend we are taking the girls from youth at church to Gatlinburg.

Don't these fall on the same weekend? I'm going this weekend to Spartenburg, SC. I went to Greenville last year and want to try a different one this year.

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I used to go but stopped years ago. This is a conference for a specific kind of homeschooler. Many of the sessions are pep talks or have nothing to do with homeschooling (one notable session for teens a few years ago was about going out in downtown W-S and accosting passers-by (oh wait, I meant witnessing :tongue_smilie:). As a long-time homeschooler, I wanted to learn at the conference. I wanted sessions that went deep about education and various subject areas, and NCHE does not offer that.


YMMV :001_smile:

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