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Teacher's Lodge 2-6-2012

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Good morning everyone, going to be a busy day for me so I'm opening the lodge early. Got to run and do grocery shopping this morning before DD wakes up.


What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today? Breakfast is saltine crackers for me, DD will have cereal when she gets up. Lunch will be leftovers, and dinner I'm thinking of steamed chicken breasts with potatoes and carrots.


What are your plans for the week? School with DD, grocery shopping, shipping books at the post office, and a few other errands. I have an appointment tomorrow that will take all day, so DD will have a school holiday tomorrow. We're still trying to have our yard sale this weekend, but it's looking like rain again :glare:


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop? I buy 99.999% used - it's rare that DD gets something new. But I have a wonderful thrift shop 2 blocks from my house that sells gymbo and similar brands for $3 and under an item.

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Frugalmama- have fun at the grocery :tongue_smilie: Not my favorite place.


What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today?

Breakfast for me is coffee, kiddos are sleeping late and will probably skip breakfast

Lunch will be leftovers

Supper :confused: do I really have to feed them again?


What are your plans for the week? School, ball practice and cleaning the house :ack2:. I decided to rearrange a little to make things work better. I now have a huge mess. :glare:


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop? About half and half. All of their current jeans came from Goodwill, yardsales and consignment shops. If I can find it 2nd hand great if not I look for sales. Right now they have several new shirts they got for Christmas. That should carry them over for a while.


I have sick kiddos today. They went to bed sick and just woke. They sound awful.

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What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today? The kids had leftover blueberry pancakes for breakfast. I'm having pistachios. Lunch will be sandwiches. I'm not sure about dinner yet, but I'm leaning toward some form of tacos, rice, and beans.


What are your plans for the week? We have lots of schoolwork planned for this week, plus we need to finish working on the kids' Pinewood Derby cars before Saturday. I also need to get caught up on household chores and get ready for a friend's baby shower this weekend. We leave for Great Wolf Lodge on Sunday (just going for one night).


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop? I used to buy more used (through consignment sales, etc), but don't really have the time to shop like that any more. We usually buy clothing on sale and pass it down between the girls. We don't buy too many clothes---just some key basics that can be worn over and over.

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Today my goal is to NOT GO CRAZY. We have a roofing crew here. They intend to get the entire job done today. They started at 7:30, and if sound is anything to go by, they're already tacking up the tar paper and getting started on the accessories (vents, etc.) and shingling. I'm excited to have a new roof, but I'm pretty sure I'll go crazy later. I can't leave because I have five loads of laundry to do and need to muck out the chicken coop and sort the recycling. Oh, and we're all exhausted from staying up too late yesterday, thanks to the MOST AWESOME SUPER BOWL EVER. :D


What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today? Breakfast was Pop-Tarts for the kids and I forgot to eat again. Third day in a row. Ugh. No wonder I'm hungry. Lunch will probably be something out of the pantry because I'm not fixing.


What are your plans for the week? *deeeep breath* Oh, don't make me think about that. Today is outlined above. Tomorrow I have a PTA meeting at DD's school as well as the usual allergy shot/swim team schedule. Wednesday is DD's rescheduled violin lesson, a trip to the library, and hopefully Zumba with a friend if DH can make it home from work on time. Thursday is swim x2, Friday is laundry, and Saturday DH is working AND I'm supposed to work at the school for their annual trivia night. I get to bartend. I do not want to function this week.


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop? I used to get hand-me-downs, but now my kids are bigger than all the other kids their ages (or even a few years older). I go to the Goodwill sometimes, but ours gets picked over pretty quickly. Sometimes I go to the consignment shops, but they're hit and miss, too, and I don't have a lot of time to go through all the racks. So usually I go to Target or Kohl's. I can grab stuff off the rack, the prices are pretty good, and then I'm done. And the clothes last until the kids outgrow them, which is the best part.

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What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today? Breakfast - 2 eggs, piece of toast, p.b. or jam


lunch- a salad with protein - probably some chicken.


dinner - I have absolutely no idea but it will involve recycling some leftovers because I need to make room in the refrigerator


What are your plans for the week? Our life runs on routines. So we'll have the routines of chores, school, laundry, paperwork, grading with a few errands and appointments alongside. One of those errands today has to involve the grocery store for a quick stop because when I went shopping this weekend I somehow forgot to buy any bread! :confused: This morning we have ds14's math and science tutor coming too.


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop? As the kids get older, it gets harder and harder to buy used clothing for them. The selection gets smaller for teens plus you run into modesty issues. I like to shop at Goodwill and Value Village but Target is also on our list lately for things like jeans for ds14.

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What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today?

Breakfast for me is my usual (greek yogurt, berries adn flax). One dd had cereal and a banana. I'm letting the other sleep in so I don't know what she's having. She never sleeps past 7 so I don't know why she's sleeping late today. Lunch for me will be pb&apples. The girls will have ham and cheese. Dinner is pork chops.


What are your plans for the week?

The week? That is really too much to ask to write it down. I know what it is. Here is what we're doing minus my work: enrichment school for older, cello class, dance class, enrichment school for younger, art class, cello class, judo, dance, a dentist appointment for my mom, a doctor appointment for my mom and science with friends. Other than that - I'm taking a class at work plus working my normal work hours and I have 8 meetings this week. In between the laundry will continue to get done as well as the house cleaned and the cooking done.


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop?

I hate to shop. I don't shop. I buy clothes online as much as possible to avoid having to shop. Younger dd has mostly clothes from older dd with some new mini boden supplements. Older dd is 11 and 5'2". She is rapidly outgrowing everything she has and has no idea what type of style she is growing into. I'm pretty sure she'll be down to just a few skirts she hasn't outgrown yet and nothing else.

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What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today?


Kids are having cinnamon rolls. I'll probably have cereal.

Lunch will be sandwiches.

Dinner is Brown Sugar Meatloaf. Don't worry it doesn't have brown sugar in it, just as part of the sauce on top. Some people think it's too sweet but it's the only way dh will eat meatloaf!


What are your plans for the week?


Just the usual...school, school, and more school. Oh wait, youngest has a church party Friday night so that will mix it up a little bit.


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop?


I buy mostly new, but that's for the oldest. Then everything keeps passing down through the youngest. I shop where ever there's a good sale :) . The last two times we found clothes and shoes at Fred Meyer.

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Can I join in today?


What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today? I had coffee & grain bread w/ almond butter a little bit of jelly. Both dc had apple w/ peanut butter, plus ds had a little bit of cinnamon cereal. Lunch -- dd will probably have her leftovers (chicken nachos), not sure for ds & I -- whatever I can find in the fridge, I suppose. Dinner, probably pasta w/ sauteed mushrooms, onion, & tomato (plus meat added in for dh & the kids), plus a raw veggie tray.


What are your plans for the week? School & our regular weekly activities (Dd -- Irish dance, tennis, Dutch, ice skating; Ds -- clay, tennis; Me -- ice skating, meeting w/ friends to walk a few times a week.) May try to plan a 'mom's night out' w/ some pals, but I may pick some time other than this week. :tongue_smilie:


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop? It used to be easier to find used when my dc were younger/smaller. These days, the clothes tend to be more new than used. Lands End for fleece, Old Navy for pants for ds, Kohls for pants for dd, various for tops (including Think Geek or event souvenir tees). Dd also gets a lot of hand-me-downs from my sister (they have similar styles/tastes & my sis has an abundance of clothes).

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What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today? Breakfast was cereal. Lunch was spaghetti for me, peanut butter and jelly for the boys.


What are your plans for the week? Wednesday is baby girl's first birthday. :party: We'll probably do cupcakes on Sunday though because Wednesday and Thursday are going to be really busy for me. Thursday, Pigby goes to school and that night I am teaching a class on freezer meals to our women's group at church. I'm very nervous.


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop? I buy a mix of both. A friend recommended a really good thrift store and we bought all of Pigby's shirts there. 90% of Digby's clothes are hand me downs. And baby girl wears both, depending on what we can find. I'm trying to learn how to sew and am in the process of making her a dress for summer. Hopefully I can learn really fast and make all of her clothes. That would be my goal.

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What's for breakfast / lunch / dinner today? Kids and dhhad leftover gf cake for breakfast ("Dad is great! Gives us chocolate cake!"); I forgot to eat. Lunch was leftover hamburgers from yesterday. Yum! Supper is on the road for Dh and 3/4 of the kids (cheese, crackers, fruit, and water on the run). Not sure what dd15 and I will have.


What are your plans for the week? School is being front-loaded this week then the kids will have Thurs, Fri, and Sat off while dh and I work at our town's international film festival! The kids wanted to go see the world premiere of the community film dh starred in and we all we extras in, but we'll buy a copy for them to view at home whenever they want. We look forward to this weekend all year, and I can hardly wait for Thursday to come! :D


Do you buy new or used clothes for your kiddos, and why? What are your favorite places to shop? A combination. We all prefer shopping at the thrift store or going through bags given by friends, but we sometimes pick items up on clearance new. (These often get saved to be gifts for Christmas and birthdays.) Kids are so hard on clothes and grow out of sizes so quickly that it hardly seems worth it to buy all new.

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