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College Suggestions for dd


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I'd love to hear some suggestions on colleges for dd to check out. She has no clear idea what she wants to do, but knows she does not want to pursue STEM-type majors or business. She loves theater, sewing, arty things, English Lit. The one thing she does seem to be focused on is a minor or double major in Spanish. Her current search parameters are:


Smallish in size (1000-5000 students)

Solid liberal arts core curriculum - preferably a required 1-2 year core.

Preferably located in Upper Midwest. She isn't crazy about only being able to get home via plane at Christmas.

Conservative worldview (Catholic a plus, but not an absolute)

Spanish available, at least as a minor


Hillsdale currently tops her list, but it's not exactly easy to get into (about a 62% acceptance rate).


I'd really appreciate hearing other suggestions. I'd like to do some visits this spring if we can, at least to give her a basis for comparison. We may just visit some local schools, even if she thinks she won't go there, just for that reason.

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Yeah, we are very impressed with Hillsdale. We attended a local admissions event last winter with some friends whose daughter was a senior. We're planning to visit over the summer. I'm just concerned because dd's grades are very good, but preliminary test scores aren't great. I know scores aren't the only things considered, but I still want her to to have other options. Besides, she might not even love it as much as she thinks she will once we get there.

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It's pricey, but have she looked into University of Dallas, Our Lady of the Lake, or University of the Incarnate Word? I attended Incarnate Word myself - they do have a Spanish program and strong liberal arts as well. Plus San Antonio is bilingual - ideal for someone wanting to do Spanish.


They all would require a plane ride, but she could take train / bus depending on where you are at.

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Augustana College in Rock Island, IL - ds is a sophomore there. Although founded by Swedish Lutherans , during orientation we were told that the largest group of students on campus were actually the Catholics ;)


They have decent merit aid, too! In addition to the top merit scholarship, ds got an extra $1,000 a year for going to the Honors competiton, and as long as we file the FAFSA by a certain date, another $500. So ignore the list price - it is not what most kids pay.




http://www.augustana.edu/x2582.xml Spanish minor/major


http://www.augustana.edu/x11625.xml Honors


Auggie has a lovely campus, and will be opening a new student center/library/dining hall in a year or so. About 2,600 students. First year has a year-long required core (ds was in the Logos Honors version).

Edited by JFSinIL
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How about Benedictine College in KS -- it looks to be a long day's drive from MN. They have Spanish as a major, about 2000 students, and it's a Catholic college.




Great suggestion! It had slipped my mind but an excellent school.

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Saint Anselm in NH is a small liberal art school where my hubby went for his 1st bachelor degree. The school is small with good reputation. Best of all, is that the school has agreement with university of Notre Dame. They allow kids with good grade transfer to ND after they finish their 1st degree in 3 yrs and spend 2 years in ND and get 2 Bachelor degree

Hubby did that, (with scholarship from Saint Anselm), and 2nd degree in Aerospace Engneering. Basically got 2 degree and half price

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It's pricey, but have she looked into University of Dallas, Our Lady of the Lake, or University of the Incarnate Word? I attended Incarnate Word myself - they do have a Spanish program and strong liberal arts as well. Plus San Antonio is bilingual - ideal for someone wanting to do Spanish.


They all would require a plane ride, but she could take train / bus depending on where you are at.


That does sound intriguing. I've never heard of Incarnate Word, but I've traveled to San Antonio several times and it was a beautiful city. We'll check it out.

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Three, smaller Catholic colleges in Minnesota are St. Benedict University, St. Catherine University, and St. Thomas University. Also, have you checked out Concordia College in Moorehead, Minnesota, or Luther College in Decorah, Iowa?


We did check out St. Thomas (nothing in the way of art or theater majors) and St. Catherine (mostly science/nursing/pre-med majors). Thanks for mentioning the others.

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Would she consider a Canadian school? I attended the University of King's College which is a small liberal arts college associated with a larger university, which gives a lot of flexibility. It has a great books program as well as contemporary studies, early modern studies, history of science and technology, and there is a journalism school. Plus it is possible to major in anything offered at the larger university which has all of the normal offerings.

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