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A Quiet Home? How?!


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A quiet home. I've heard this term used before. What does it mean exactly, and how does one achieve it? My two-year old likes to sing while she plays "quietly." My 4 mo. old just fusses and cries at times. Quiet seems impossible. I would really like to just create an environment where my highly distracted 7 year old can think. He can't seem to tune it out, and I don't blame him. But I can't leave my two year old unattended all morning, and my 7 y.o. needs lots of attention. My little one is T-R-O-U-B-L-E! Having rotating toys doesn't keep her quiet - just busy. Thanks for the help!

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I don't have a quiet home, except when little brother is sleeping. That is when we do more "hard core/thinking" work. Take a look at some of the pics on my blog - you'll see it is not a quiet home!!! Now, some kids are quieter naturally, my girls would have been easier to homeschool with when they were little, just not my little guy:tongue_smilie:

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In some homes it's just not realistic. Until this year, my oldest did her main work (language arts and math) while the younger kids were napping or having quiet time in their rooms. Now I have three students and we've totally changed our routine. DD, now age 7, is still distractible but not quite as bad. I send the other kids upstairs to play if it becomes a problem.

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I finally found something that works for our family right now (most of the time). We start the day with circle time. I include activities my 21 month old enjoys (usually one book for him and at least one song that he likes). We sing, do memorization, read poetry, do read alouds, calendar, weather, etc... When the toddler doesn't want to participate, he usually plays quietly. He likes that we are in the room. Then I put him in his fort which is actually a gated off area where he is safe. I put different toys in there each day. This is in a separate room so I can close the door. Some days, I will let him watch a Dora or Diego episode if he doesn't want to play with his toys. I know he is safe, he has had some attention and I can usually get an hour of peace and quiet from him. That is enough time for our seatwork since my oldest is 5.


We have a long play break and usually go outside. At this point, the toddler can burn off some energy. Then we go eat lunch. While the kids are eating lunch, I will do some history and science read alouds. This is also the time that we do experiments, crafts, art, etc. The toddler is usually fairly happy sitting in his high chair watching (although some days he is very noisy during read alouds).


We usually have music class right after and this is as much for the 4 and the 21 month old than anything. The toddler gets to play with shake eggs and dance with scarves. He LOVES music lesson. We do Making Music Praying Twice.


Then the two younger ones go for nap. If we didn't get to something (very rare), I will do it during naptime. I do think that I will do more school next year during naptime when we are officially in 1st. We sometimes do reading lessons in the evenings when my husband is home because DS5 really needs to concentrate for that.


This is all a work in progress for me. It is so hard to find something to do with a toddler during school. I have always found that when he is really annoying, he usually just needs about 15 minutes of my undivided attention. I will usually sit down and read him a couple of stories. Best of luck!!!!

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