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Gross question.

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Practical question, yes, but gross.


My puppy was buried 3 weeks or so ago. My other puppy is being put to sleep today. They are siblings and I love them so I want them to be buried next to each other. The problem is, if we dig down close to the already buried puppy, will there be rotting liquid, smell, or sanitation issues?


If so, how close can we bury them together. I was just going to put my girl right exactly next to my boy's grave, but I realized last night that might be a bad idea. I have no experience with burying pets until moving here. That's what people do here and where I've lived in the States burying a pet was illegal. (or so I was told a kid. I suppose I don't really know that.)


Thanks for your help.

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Not to go into why both dogs died almost the same time...I must have missed previous posts, etc. with information on that.


To your question, there shouldn't be "fluid" or anything to worry about. Any seepage would've gone downward, I'd think.


Obviously give several feet leeway, as you don't want to unearth the first dog when digging for the second.


I understand you want them together; but a few feet from one another isn't going to ruin their "togetherness". They are, after all, no longer living and couldn't care less how closely they're buried...


I'm sorry your pets have died; it's an unusually sad situation to have two at once.

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Not to go into why both dogs died almost the same time...I must have missed previous posts, etc. with information on that.


To your question, there shouldn't be "fluid" or anything to worry about. Any seepage would've gone downward, I'd think.


Obviously give several feet leeway, as you don't want to unearth the first dog when digging for the second.


I understand you want them together; but a few feet from one another isn't going to ruin their "togetherness". They are, after all, no longer living and couldn't care less how closely they're buried...


I'm sorry your pets have died; it's an unusually sad situation to have two at once.


They have an immune disorder. Medical science can't fix it. There is nothing more to be done. Unfortunately, I had to tell the owner of their sister (the other sick dog in their litter) today. It's very sad. She will most likely be following them soon. Nothing is working for her, either.

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Definitely put some cinder blocks or something on top, at least temporarily, to keep animals from digging them up. That'd be a nightmare...


There are lots of ridiculous environmental rules here, and I'm sure there's some sort of "groundwater protection" laws against burying a pet. Even though animals in the forest die and rot in place all the time.

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Terrible situation...I can't imagine.


You're doing the kindest thing, though, rather than letting them suffer.


Thanks. I wrestled with it terribly. But my girl has finally stopped eating and won't come out of her dog house for anyone but me, when she is normally very friendly. She is lethargic and lays down all day. I waited until we were absolutely sure that she was going to follow her brother. He was not put to sleep, but died naturally. I don't want her to die like he did. Now that I know for sure that she is headed for death and that she is no longer comfortable I think the best thing is for her to be put to sleep.


I haven't taken pet death this hard before. But I cared for their mom when she was pregnant and showed up at the school here. I held them when they were 12 hours old (she gave birth in a bad place and needed to be moved). I've fought and fought to keep them healthy and alive. The vets around here tried and tried. They are so young and sweet. Why couldn't they have had a full life?

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I would say no closer than 2 feet, 3 would be better. I'm just thinking of not unearthing the 1st puppy's remains. I've never heard of it being illegal to bury a pet, strange, unless it was public property or something.

I'm sorry for your loss. :grouphug::grouphug:


My parents told me that when my dog died when I was a kid. I don't know whether it was a convenient lie, or whether it was some sort of environmental law.

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