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I have a black hole in my house

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Ds19 was addicted to pacifiers as a baby. He lost SO many in mour last house. I remember telling dh that when we finally moved we were going to find a ton of them. I'm certain they were lost IN the house.


We moved when he was 6, and we never found a one. I still think of that.


I have a black hole in this house, too.:glare:

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My 14 year old was a pacifier addict as well. We had tons of them. When he went to preschool they said they wouldn't allow them and we tried to have him quit cold turkey.


Well, he would FIND those hidden pacifiers all over the place, in between seat cushions, behind the sofa, in his closet, and pop back in his mouth it would go.


It was a HUGE battle. The preschool finally made several exceptions for him, toys at naptime and a pacifier were one of them.....you can read about his sleep issues in the special needs forum.....he was quite a difficult child and we didn't really know what the issues were back then. We were told over and over it was our parenting.....idiots.


Ok, rant over on that one.




Ds19 was addicted to pacifiers as a baby. He lost SO many in mour last house. I remember telling dh that when we finally moved we were going to find a ton of them. I'm certain they were lost IN the house.


We moved when he was 6, and we never found a one. I still think of that.


I have a black hole in this house, too.:glare:

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My 14 year old was a pacifier addict as well. We had tons of them. When he went to preschool they said they wouldn't allow them and we tried to have him quit cold turkey.


Well, he would FIND those hidden pacifiers all over the place, in between seat cushions, behind the sofa, in his closet, and pop back in his mouth it would go.


It was a HUGE battle. The preschool finally made several exceptions for him, toys at naptime and a pacifier were one of them.....you can read about his sleep issues in the special needs forum.....he was quite a difficult child and we didn't really know what the issues were back then. We were told over and over it was our parenting.....idiots.


Ok, rant over on that one.




So you are saying a motivated preschooler can overcome the power of a black hole :D I do know that if you lose something small enough to choke on, you can invite a toddler over and it will quickly be found!


My black hole is full of pencils. We never lose socks. The dog always carries them off to his bed, so I know just where to find them. I guess he's like a motivated toddler.

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  • 3 months later...

Black Hole had a window of light this weekend!


This past weekend we found:


1. Oldest's scout book-missing for several weeks....it was in his backpack he took camping.


2. The 3ds case with about 10 games in it that has been missing since about December of 2011. It was in the folded 3rd row seat we took out for our trip and didn't put back in the car.


Now for more FINDS! :D

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Ds19 was addicted to pacifiers as a baby. He lost SO many in mour last house. I remember telling dh that when we finally moved we were going to find a ton of them. I'm certain they were lost IN the house.


We moved when he was 6, and we never found a one. I still think of that.


I have a black hole in this house, too.:glare:



YES! This same exactly. In our old apartment, we lost a baby bottle of pumped bre@st milk. That was like liquid gold to me at the time. :lol: We tore that 900 sq apartment up and never found it. I know it did not leave that apt! Dh said that will be an interesting discovery to find when we move. We moved less than a year later. Nope, never found it...anywhere. I still think about it to this day almost 9 yrs later.

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