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What do kids like about Lego Robotics?

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My son is a Lego fanatic and he loves to build creations. He has attended several Lego Robotics camps and he didn't like them. He felt that they were boring because they were about programming and very little building.


I sincerely wish that he enjoyed Lego Robotics but we tried 3 different camps/classes (same instructor who is an engineer and seemed good) and it was a no go. Legos are his primary interest and I would love it if he could be involved in a Lego group.


The robotics programming seemed very easy and the robots seemed so limited. Is there something that I am missing here? I am hoping that someone with more experience can give me further insight. DS is definitely not interested in computers but he loves remote control stuff. I am wondering if even though it is Lego Robotics, it is ultimately more of a computer club than a Lego club.


Anyway, any thoughts or input on this would be appreciated!

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FWIW, my son is a Lego fanatic, even still at the age of 15. However, he had no interest in the robotics. He joined a group that his best friend's mom put together and he attended the first couple of meetings. All he wanted to do was build and it was just too structured for him, especially because he was going to have to learn the programming bits too. I let him drop it. It didn't make sense to force him into it. The group took 1st place in whatever competition they did but that didn't impress my son one bit.

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You might want to see if there's a LUG (Lego Users Group)or AFOL group (Adult fan of Lego) near you. Both of these tend to be more about building, and I mean really big, dramatic building in most cases-the kind of things that take months to design and build. Some are more friendly about kids participating than others (some are over 18, and stick to it, and some will welcome younger participants to sit in as long as an adult comes with them, and some will even run parallel groups for younger builders).

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You might want to see if there's a LUG (Lego Users Group)or AFOL group (Adult fan of Lego) near you. Both of these tend to be more about building, and I mean really big, dramatic building in most cases-the kind of things that take months to design and build. Some are more friendly about kids participating than others (some are over 18, and stick to it, and some will welcome younger participants to sit in as long as an adult comes with them, and some will even run parallel groups for younger builders).


Donna, I love your gallery of creations on your blog! Wow! So impressive. :)

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