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Good supplement for MUS?


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I need a supplement for MUS. I don't want to change curriculums since MUS has been the first, of many curriculums I have tried (CLE, RS, SM), that has explained concepts to where my dd has conceptual understanding.


Unfortunantly, I don't like that MUS isn't spiral. I think my dc are missing out on learning concepts such as <,>, measurement, time, money and simple geometry. I know that eventually MUS gets to these concepts, but I liked how CLE incorporated them all. If CLE taught basic operations like MUS, I think I would have the prefect curriculum!


I started a post to ask if MEP would be a good supplement and received a few responses (thanks!), but I was wondering if there was something out there that would be a better supplement to MUS.


I was also thing about CLE, but I am afraid of putting too much work on my dc.


What do you suggest?

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We used ALEKs as a supplement with MUS and it helped a ton, in that because it covers things prior to MUS, when we got to it, they had a bit of an introduction already.

We used it up til they were out of Zeta...

I am a MUS fan, and we are up to Algebra2 and have enjoyed it, and the support so much! Algebra 2 and a live phone call to someone who can explain?


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I think many people supplement with Singapore's Challenging Word Problems, but I think those do not start until Grade 2. Maybe doing things like buying one of those plastic clocks (Judy Clock?) that you can move to practice time and playing store for money? My daughter enjoyed Mathwhiz more than Alecks for an online supplemental program. HTH

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We came from MUS and tried R&S for a microsecond, then switched to CLE. Dispite the spiral, it very gentle and I don't feel it is overload. In fact, because it spirals, he does not often forget things. My ds is a very slow worker so even w/MUS it was taking a long time. Math is not his favorte subject and he still takes a long time but I wouldn't say it takes him any longer. We absolutely love it.


Another option is math mammoth's dark blue series. They work with just one topic at a time and it is also mastery based. It is a very different approach but works from the ground up in teaching one topic at a time. My ds did not care for it, but it is thorough.



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I think my question may be confusing. I don't need a supplement that practices math facts. I think MUS does a fantastic job with math facts, I need a supplement to teach everything else but math facts-like <,>, time, simple geometry, measurement and money.

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:bigear: I am looking for the same thing! Love MUS but need a little extra on the side stuff.


What I am doing this year (in addition to MUS Gamma and the first 10 lessons of Delta) is having her rip through Teaching Textbooks 3, just on the computer only(I was able to borrow the cd's) along with mathy computer games and xtramath.org for fact mastery.


She really needs the other "stuff" for the state testing that is required of us.. so I've been looking at Mathematical Reasoning from Critical Thinking Company since a lot of CTC's offerings are test-preparatory.


I had forgotten about Math Mammoth teaching on the individual concepts.. Off to check that out... but still keeping an ear out for more ideas:bigear:

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:bigear: I am looking for the same thing! Love MUS but need a little extra on the side stuff.


I had forgotten about Math Mammoth teaching on the individual concepts.. Off to check that out... but still keeping an ear out for more ideas:bigear:


Yeah, we're in the same boat with all three children using MUS as the spine. Because the scope and sequence is so different from other programs I don't want to switch to CLE, SM or MM, etc... midstream. And we do like the instruction. However there are known holes which need to be filled. So far we have used LOF and Hands on Equations which are worth a look. Our two youngest dds love Dreambox also, although it is very pricey. And I'm not sure its the best bang for the buck. We are exploring other computer based suppliments such as xtramath and ixl.


MM is something I will be trying next as they offer a lot of supplimental materials which are topic specific. So for example you can do Geometry, Statistics, Money, etc... And best of all they are having a big sale starting today for the next couple of days (23% off). So I've give them a try.


I do plan to switch once we get to Algebra. And I'm researching those options right now for our oldest ds10 who will be finishing Zeta soon.

Edited by dereksurfs
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We use MUS and Math Mammoth. MUS is done so fast with the one page a day, and MM covers a year's material with about 1.5 pages a day. So she only does two pages of math a day and still gets the variety of two programs. We usually skip a page or two here and there when she seems to know the concept well in MM, so we haven't had any issues with needed to do more than one page a day.


We're only in first grade so I don't know how this will change in later years as concepts become more complicated, etc., but we bought the whole MM program a year ago during the co op sale and will continue to supplement with it.

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We use MUS to teach basic math concepts. Then we use LOF for fun and to create a love of math. Finally, for 2 of my kids, I am using Math Mammoth as a follow up because I think MM does a great job of teaching "mental math."

I have a first grader who is ahead and a second grader who is slightly behind. The 2nd grader just finished MUS Beta and the 1st grader finished MUS Alpha. I now have them both in Math Mammoth 2A. Their worksheet today was on subtracting from tens (40-3, 30-7, 60-2) WITHOUT using regrouping.

Edited by Andrea Lowry
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I think my question may be confusing. I don't need a supplement that practices math facts. I think MUS does a fantastic job with math facts, I need a supplement to teach everything else but math facts-like <,>, time, simple geometry, measurement and money.



I was thinking the same thing...but somehow, someway. my boys have figured out money & time on their own. We will be starting beta in few weeks but they can already count out change & tell time. Money & time can just happen by everyday things. I also bought a play money set from Melissa & Doug that they play with. I keep telling myself that once upon a time people didn't learn time & money from a book :001_smile:

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We use Horizons Math a grade level below to get exactly what you are asking for. My eldest son is in Epsilon, so he is using Horizons Math 4, my twins are in Delta and using Horizons Math 3, and my youngest is in Alpha and Horizons Math K.


My only regret is that I didn't do this with my DD12. She started MUS Pre-Algebra at the beginning of this year, and found that it went over her head. I think that she needed a more spiral approach than she received with MUS, or perhaps she needed the mastery and spiral approach that I am using with my sons. I have since moved her to Saxon 7/6, to get more review of basic elementary math. We will probably move to Saxon 8/7 from here.

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Those of you that use MM could you help me understand it a little better? How many lesson are the a year? How many pages does a dc do in day? Is there continual review? I really don't want to do a entire book on one subject and then drop it. That will get me in trouble with my dd. She needs constant review of material learned.


What are the Spectrum books like? I know nothing about them. I like the idea of test prep. I have to test my dc next and I am worried about all the little things they are required to know.

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