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a WWYD about my DD8's violin

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My DD8 took early Suzuki lessons, but then lost interest (she was too young, I think), so we let it go. (I'll be honest and say that we encouraged her to quit because the sound was THE. MOST. HORRIBLE. thing I have ever heard in my life. Tiny violin + bad tuning + beginner player = DREADFUL. PAINFUL.) But now - She is now interested again, but my husband is out of work, so we do not have budget room for lessons at all. She wants to prove to us that she is serious, so she has been practicing every day for about 3 weeks now, doing the same lessons she learned way back when from her Suzuki teacher.


So - WWYD at this point? Is there a book I can get to teach her how to go forward? Are there videos or some other (i.e., free or inexpensive) way that I can further this interest, while we wait for DH to find employment (that honestly may or may not allow us to fund the lessons)?


I play the piano, and she is taking an online music theory course (we also do music with rhythm sticks) . . . I don't want to "mess her up" since I don't know the violin myself, but - how can I move her forward?

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I think trading would be a great idea! IME, people who attempt to teach themselves violin either sound terrible or quit quickly (or both ;)). Violin is not like piano or guitar, where a certain level of proficiency can be achieved by self-teaching. With violin, there are so many picky details in bow hold, tuning, etc., that need constant correction from a teacher.

How long ago did your DD take lessons? She may need a bigger violin, which, on the bright side, might sound better, but will also cost money. See if you can trade in her current violin for a larger one.


I hope something works out! :)

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So how would I go about this, I wonder? (Never done anything like this before.)


I've tutored writing & Shakespeare & literature for years (have 2 degrees in English Education), and I'm comfortable tutoring basic algebra and geometry as well (not anything higher in math). I could also offer sewing lessons.


I belong to a large co-op that probably has several people qualified to do this (I'm thinking of an advanced student in high school, maybe?) - but I don't want "just anyone" teaching her (if the person is not good with teaching children).


I'm also not local to about half the families in co-op, so - I'm hesitant to send out a general e-mail.


I live near 2 high school age guys who are very good at the violin, and I know my DD would be comfortable with them, but - I'm not sure how good they are at teaching children (they LIKE kids, but - not sure on that).


There's a college age girl at church who I would LOVE to see teach them, but - I don't think I really have anything to offer her in exchange for the lessons.


Ideas here for getting this established? I don't want to go to Craigslist.

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There's a college age girl at church who I would LOVE to see teach them, but - I don't think I really have anything to offer her in exchange for the lessons.





I would ask her first. There might be something you could offer her in exchange for the lessons that you haven't thought of... use of your washer/dryer, cooking lessons, sewing/mending... maybe something else?

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I would ask her first. There might be something you could offer her in exchange for the lessons that you haven't thought of... use of your washer/dryer, cooking lessons, sewing/mending... maybe something else?


Well, she was home schooled (by an AMAZING mom), lives at home, and has a part-time job while she puts herself through local college.


She does love my DD, but I do NOT want to ask her to do it as a "favor," / reduced rate, kwim? Because she would be MORE than generous to us, if she knew it were a desire. But I don't want that. I need it to be equitable for her, too. I might ask to see if she has any ideas (even at her college or where she takes lessons). But I need a plan if she offers to just DO it, because - this may be bad, but it's my (and DH's) need to "pay our own way" (made especially important because of his current job search). Sorry, that was probably TMI. LOL

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Well, she was home schooled (by an AMAZING mom), lives at home, and has a part-time job while she puts herself through local college.


She does love my DD, but I do NOT want to ask her to do it as a "favor," / reduced rate, kwim? Because she would be MORE than generous to us, if she knew it were a desire. But I don't want that. I need it to be equitable for her, too. I might ask to see if she has any ideas (even at her college or where she takes lessons). But I need a plan if she offers to just DO it, because - this may be bad, but it's my (and DH's) need to "pay our own way" (made especially important because of his current job search). Sorry, that was probably TMI. LOL


If she doesn't have any / many students, she might be interested in teaching your DD at a reduced rate or as a favour in exchange for references.

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If she doesn't have any / many students, she might be interested in teaching your DD at a reduced rate or as a favour in exchange for references.



:iagree: References written in your dashing style...:coolgleamA:



I KNOW you have something to offer her. Seriously. Ask.:grouphug:

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Well, I contacted the state university right down the street (and across a state line - heh!) from me, and explained that my student wants to take violin lessons, but they are not offered at our local elementary school. The head of the program is going to check with his students to see if there is someone who would be willing to "take on this project" for this semester and possibly carry it over to next semester, too.


*SHOCK AND AWE!* (I think these are free lessons. But not in my state. Which I'm pretty sure is a no-no, but - he *IS* the head of the program, after all, and the goal of the program is to get interested kids playing strings.)


He is getting back to me.





If that doesn't work out, I am going to consider these options, and wait on it - DD8 is signed up for an online music theory course, so I explained how that will help her, too. And I will have her just keep practicing the Suzuki lessons she remembers (down wiggle, up wiggle and mississippi-stop-stop and A-A-E-E-E1-E).


She does have a properly-sized violin (though not of an exceptionally good quality).


I'll also consider what I would have to offer to our local friend, and possibly consider a flyer that advertises use of laundry facilities (or something like that) in exchange for violin lessons. We're about 15 min. from the state university.

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when i was in university, i would have taught for a hot meal..... it would have saved me time, money and felt a bit like "home".....


i was also thinking that sometimes we need things to be equitable, when what the other person needs is to be able to give. so it may be that your neighbour would really love to teach your dd, and would be hurt that you didn't ask.




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when i was in university, i would have taught for a hot meal..... it would have saved me time, money and felt a bit like "home".....

i was also thinking that sometimes we need things to be equitable, when what the other person needs is to be able to give. so it may be that your neighbour would really love to teach your dd, and would be hurt that you didn't ask.





Good point.

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