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What would you call the opposite of a mid-life crisis? Because I'm having one...

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By the way, thank you to all of you wonderful boardies who gave me such amazing support and well-wishes through the nose ring ordeal!!! Y'all are great!


Anyway, instead of being possibly mid-way through my life and being lost, wondering where I was going, and how I got here, I find myself waking up each day with a greater sense of self awareness and a boldness to just be myself. I know who I am, and I know where I'm going. Dare I even admit it? I'm happy.


Number two on my list of things to do before I die: call bestest girlfriend in the world from highschool and make things right even though I'm still fat and we've taken very different paths in this life, and our parting was complicated and painful.


I haven't seen nor heard from her since my wedding day, 18 years ago, August.


After about 15 e-mails in the last 24 hours, we're having lunch on Monday.


I love summer break. It gives me time for reflection, planning, and action.


Are you making the most of your time? Can YOU change YOUR life in a summer? This is a challenge!


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I am inspired by your post to get in touch with long lost friends from college. Also, I am going to try to rid my house of all this useless clutter. I'd add ten more things, but I know that would be biting off more than I can chew. So thanks for the push.


Glad to hear you are so content. I basically am too. I am sooooo glad I am not a teenager or in my twenties anymore - yikes, those were difficult years.

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call bestest girlfriend in the world from highschool and make things right even though I'm still fat




I am so glad you are getting together with your friend, Lisa, but did you really hesitate in part because of your weight?


Just remember, our value as women, as mothers, as friends is not priced by the pound.

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I am so glad you are getting together with your friend, Lisa, but did you really hesitate in part because of your weight?


Just remember, our value as women, as mothers, as friends is not priced by the pound.


Crissy, I even hesitate to go to the doctor (with whom I have absolutely zero relationship except in a clinical setting) because of my weight. It's ridiculous. It's silly. And I have a limited amount of experience in a clinical setting -- I know for a fact that nobody is looking at my weight. But I still feel reluctance.


Thank you for your reminder. I need to tattoo it on my hand or something. (Does that count for a mid-life crisis if I get an affirming tattoo on my hand? :D)

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Crissy, I even hesitate to go to the doctor (with whom I have absolutely zero relationship except in a clinical setting) because of my weight. It's ridiculous. It's silly. And I have a limited amount of experience in a clinical setting -- I know for a fact that nobody is looking at my weight. But I still feel reluctance.


Thank you for your reminder. I need to tattoo it on my hand or something. (Does that count for a mid-life crisis if I get an affirming tattoo on my hand? :D)


Your weight?:confused: Okay, I have seen you in person, dear. What weight are talking about? I don't recall your having weight issues at all. You looked totally lovely in size and shape to me. Are you for real? You're beautiful, Pam!

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Your weight?:confused: Okay, I have seen you in person, dear. What weight are talking about? I don't recall your having weight issues at all. You looked totally lovely in size and shape to me. Are you for real? You're beautiful, Pam!


You're very kind. I really appreciate you saying that.


I'm carrying at least 35 pounds that I feel impact my health in a significant way. (Well, except that it helps my bones do a little extra weight-bearing exercise every day, lol!) I'd happily go back to 10 pounds over my pre-baby (the last baby) weight. But it seems an impossible step. I have size 6 bones and size 14 adipose tissue.


I am very unhappy with the way I look and feel. Not just a little bit. A LOT a bit.

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Crissy, I even hesitate to go to the doctor (with whom I have absolutely zero relationship except in a clinical setting) because of my weight. It's ridiculous. It's silly. And I have a limited amount of experience in a clinical setting -- I know for a fact that nobody is looking at my weight. But I still feel reluctance.


Thank you for your reminder. I need to tattoo it on my hand or something. (Does that count for a mid-life crisis if I get an affirming tattoo on my hand? :D)


You know what we need? We need a mirror that reflects all the things we offer to those around us, rather than reflecting the shell that holds it all.

Wouldn't that just change the world?!

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... but did you really hesitate in part because of your weight?


Just remember, our value as women, as mothers, as friends is not priced by the pound.



Your words are true, but not easy to live by if you are overweight/obese. Sometimes, I don't even want to leave my house. :tongue_smilie:

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But, Natalie...you are so beautiful!

I am sad to know that you feel that way. :001_huh:



Really, it's not completely pervasive, just a constant lurking drag on my confidence. I still live, and mostly with zest, but I look forward to the day when I will be completely free of the oppressiveness of overweight. I don't know if that will be when I make peace with my body or if that will be when I lose the weight. It wouldn't really be healthy to make peace with this weight.


Thanks for your sweet words!

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There have been many things that have been directly influenced as a result of my having gained weight.


1) She said something ugly to me about my weight when I started gaining in my senior year of high school. I don't hold that against her. Really. I hurt her first. But, I still remember it.


2) My weight has hurt my self confidence. And anyway, I didn't know if my reaching out would be rejected, so it was kind of scary.


3) There have been a ton of things I haven't done because of my weight. I stayed out of the pool and off of the beach (both of which I desperately love) for 20 years because I wouldn't wear a bathing suit.


Ohhhhh yeah. My weight affects everything.



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[quote name=Lisa at Home;287997


I haven't seen nor heard from her since my wedding day' date=' 18 years ago, August.


After about 15 e-mails in the last 24 hours, we're having lunch on Monday.


I love summer break. It gives me time for reflection, planning, and action.


Are you making the most of your time? Can YOU change YOUR life in a summer? This is a challenge!




Oh my word, this is the 5th time I have tried to respond to your post! My laptap has a poltergeist!!!!! ARG!


Anyway, I wanted to say KUDOS to you for taking courageous steps! And I didn't mean to take your post in a mopy direction last night, particularly when you are living so...juicily! I only wanted to validate the reality of the oppression of overweight.


Go, Lisa!!!!!


Also, wanted to share...like you, I am going to have a little reunion with a (formerly) dear friend. She is coming to lunch tomorrow. I am cautiously excited. (I love restoration, but I don't know how much I can trust, kwim?)


Anyway, thanks for sharing your anti-crisis with us!!!

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