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Anyone not use a history curriculum for lower elementary grades?


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Not quite sure from the wording of your question whether you mean:

1. not use a formal history curriculum

2. not always do history in chronological order

3. not do history as a formal full-length subject every year


I can answer "yes" to all three.


1. We never used a formal curriculum for history or science from 1st through 8th. Lots of "real" or "living" books, hands-on projects and activities, field trips, historical fiction, made recipes / played games / listen to music from time periods/cultures, and watched movies set in different cultures or time periods. (However, we DID over six years slowly work our way through history in mostly chronological order, with lots of following of bunny trails of interests, and spending a year on just on American History, and a semester just on State history mixed in there...)



2. In high school we deviated from doing chronological history; DSs picked the time period of interest each year in studying history, so we went out of chronological order. Glad we did, as various circumstances prevented us from doing a full 4 years of history in high school, so DSs got to cover the time periods of most personal interest to them. At this point, we were using textbooks, but also still including historical fiction, and documentaries and feature films set in the time studied.



3. In middle school we took a year's break from doing history and instead did a year of world culture/geography and comparative religions. We focused on Eastern Hemisphere nations. Fantastic time to do it; great prep for high school history by learning about the cultures/religions (basis of worldviews and political/social/economic decisions of nations throughout history); got to learn about nations not normally ever covered in traditional Western Civ. style high school history. Again, no formal curriculum; instead, lots of living books; geography games; made our own "atlas" pages; lots of cultural myths and legends; movies from different cultures; travelogue videos and documentaries on different nations; historical/cultural fiction; recipes / songs / games; etc.



Never was a "downside" for us in any of those decisions -- but that was the combination of DC's interests, life circumstances, and timing of how we did history in the elementary years that made it all work out well for us. BEST of luck, whatever you decide! Warmest regards, Lori D.

Edited by Lori D.
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lower elementary, no.


we used unit studies at times, focusing on a wide range of historical and geographical topics. however, that was done loosely, consisting of picture books, mapping and living books approach.


same with science. both did(ds still is..) only nature studies, cooking, baking and reading. :) every now and then i throw in a bill nye science dvd-maybe covering something like weather.

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I have never stuck to a history curriculum, at any age, except when my oldest completed his American School diploma. He actually finished an American History textbook :-)


I have always seemed to go back to linking my history lessons up to the daily scripture reading, our geography studies, or what is happening in current events, or just seeing a good book at the library that catches my fancy.


I think the reason I always end out back to Bible based unit studies, is to create some order, because I do NOT have a history spine to keep me focused.

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We're only in grade 1 so take this for what it is worth. :)


We started the year with a history/geography curriculum and were quickly bored. We took a break for the holidays and haven't started the history part back yet. Daughter is all over the geography right now, though. We are doing it with books, maps, games, songs, state quarters. Will pick history up again soon and just read picture books and narration for the rest of the year hopefully getting through the Revolution.


Next year we are doing World Geography with picture books, cooking, activities, map work. I will have a second grader and K.


After that the plan is to start with the ancients. Haven't decided on SOTW yet, but may use that as our spine and add in some things from a Catholic perspective (Salvation history focus, lives of Saints, etc). Will likely slow it down to a five or six year cycle and use lots of other books as well and focus on where their interests lie instead of trying to push through to get done. So in that case the jury is still out on the "curriculum."

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We are using SoTW1 right now for first but I don't plan on using anything formal next year. I think we are doing geography/american history maybe- or just whatever we want. I think we get much more out of the rabbit trails at this age. I also think the supplemental books are much more engaging.

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I found that my 7 yr old just wasn't ready for SOTW or other materials. We have done/are doing the Usborne World Atlas sticker book, geopuzzles and reading books like DK "Children like me". We're going to try again whis semester with History Portfolio Junior and library books/brainpop/online materials.

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I love SOTW so usually do that with my early elementary students, but when dd was in 1st grade we did no history at all and instead learned about world cultures. In 2nd grade we did American history and used lots of great books, but no formal curriculum.

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