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We started with IEW this year and my 10th grade DD HATES it. We started with the SWI-B(I thought it would be good for everybody to do at once) but then discovered it was to easy for her. So I ordered SWI-C. She still complains that it is to easy, she hates Mr. Pudewa, the key-word outlines are pointless, and she just wants to get on with the writing. DD is a natural writer. In 8th grade, an outside tutor she had told her she was writing at a college level. Is IEW something you would use for a natural writer? Should I make her do it despite of her bad attitude? Is IEW considered advanced or average?


DD pulled out my old college writing handbook and started doing that on top of IEW. She told me that IEW was simply busy work and she didn't feel it was worthy of even putting on her transcript, so the only reason she is doing IEW is to respect me and the reason she was doing the college handbook was to earn a credit. :confused: What would you do?


Thanks for any advice!:bigear:

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My 9th grade son is doing SWI-C this year. It is a good fit for him, but he is definitely not a natural writer. If my child were already a strong writer, I don't think I would have them do the SWI in high school. It really does cover basics well, but I do feel that it is covering topics that my son really should have already mastered.(but sadly did not).

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I do not think that I would do IEW SWI-C with a strong natural writer. It is an excellent fit for my 10th grader who really struggles with writing. But, my 7th grader finds it way too easy and really does not like it at all. Maybe as my oldest progresses through IEW, there will come a time when my youngest will fit in with it. But, my youngest is a very strong, natural writer who really enjoys the process. Both watch the dvd lectures and both like Mr. Pudewa. But, my youngest doesn't see the point, it is just so natural to her, while my oldest finds the KWO and rewrite a wonderful new concept

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Same story here. My ds struggled to get three words on paper until SWIC successfully jump-started the process. My dd who is a natural writer (currently the opinion editor of a college newspaper) completed some of the Writing Strands books before high school and then loved working with Cindy Marsch on the progymnasmata and Writing Workshop early in high school

http://writingassessment.com/. We considered it a good investment because she loves to write!

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I have used IEW with a co-op and respect it, but I think it is not appropriate for your situation. I would listen to her feedback and go a different way. IEW does accept returns without question. I agree that SWB's writing CD is a great place to start.


:iagree:If the IEW is too easy for her, move on.

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I don't know whether IEW right for her or not. HOWEVER, my oldest is very much a natural writer and HATED outlining even when I tried to convince it would help her in the long run. She used One Year Adventure Novel last year and finally the light dawned on how important an outline is. She now has a major appreciation for the power of an outline.


IEW has other higher writing materials if the SWI is not a good fit.

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My dd was an average natural writer (great at narration!) and loves SWI-C (first year using IEW).


I am a natural writer and I am learning things (we are on Lesson 12 right now). Specifically, reflection/repetition of key words in the topic/clincher sentences and paragraphs.


That said, if she thinks it's way too easy and doesn't like Mr. Pudewa, then move along. There are other good curricula out there.


I bought MCT materials after they were raved about here. Dd HATED them. HATED. Did I mention she didn't like them? (I still have them sitting on my shelf, waiting to be listed for sale someplace).

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