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Dog Licking- Help me make it stop!

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You all always have such good pet advice and I'm hoping you can help here too. My senior dog has a licking problem. I think he has gone mostly blind and his nose appears to not be so good these days either. He has started licking our tiled and wood floors all day long in what I believe is the hope that he may find something worth licking. He can't see if there's anything there, and he can't smell, so he licks just in case because he wouldn't want to miss it if he found something good. Or, maybe he just likes to lick the cold floor. I don't know. He has constant access to fresh water. He doesn't just lick if people are in the kitchen eating- he licks all day long. Whenever he walks through the kitchen, it's with his head down and licking the whole way along his path. I find it disgusting- more than disgusting because he's a chronic poop eater too! :ack2: My floors are not covered in food that he likes to eat and we clean up spills right away. Is there something safe that I can wash my kitchen floor with that he will find absolutely revolting and it will make him stop? We have hard wood and ceramic tiles. I know there's bitter apple stuff but I'm not sure if it would function as a cleanser and if I wash my floors, then it would be gone again right away and a waste of time. I have been thinking that maybe there's a type of floor cleaner on the market I could use or maybe I could just add something to the water I use. We usually use Murphy's Oil or sometimes I'll just wipe up small spills with clorox wipes (I know, not good for wood.) We also use Orange Glo stuff. He doesn't mind licking after those.

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The dogs that I have known that licked the floor were stressed out about something or in pain. I agree with the pp who said that the dog needs to be checked by a vet.




When I got a new,dog my older dog was feeling neglected and started licking the leather sofa, the chair, the floor. As soon as I began spending one on one time with him it would go away.

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He sees the vet frequently because he is a very old, sick dog with a chronic painful health problem. I never thought to mention the licking to the vet. I am sure he is always in some level of pain. :( I can up his pain meds "as needed" and I'll try that for a few days to see if it helps. We try to not give him more than he needs as his physical symptoms haven't been so bad so he has been getting less meds. If it is just stress from his health conditions, I don't think there's anything else we can do. He's not going to get better. I still think it is partly related to his desire to catch a stray scrap because he focuses on the area around the table. I can see how it could be a combination with him rationally choosing to stress lick where he thinks there may be a bonus.

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I have two older Jack Russell Terriers, so take this for what it's worth (JRT's are weird to begin with). They are both females in good health. The older one (probably around 14) spends much, and i do mean much of her day licking. She was literally raised in a barn and she would spend HOURS licking the walls. When we go for car rides they both lick the windows and they do.not.stop. I don't think it's anything to worry about (unless your dog has recently started doing this and is showing other symptoms). Like i said, both of my dogs do it and they are both in good health.

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Oh my goodness, I am so happy I'm not alone here! Our dog is older, and has always been nervous-so, a nervous licker. But the last few months, this is all she does. Luckily, she is only licking herself, but it is driving me insane, also. Especially, because she is also a chronic poop eater, and she is licking her behind area.:ack2: I love her, but am totally grossed out and don't want her to lick any of us.


After reading your post, I am thanking my lucky starts that at least she contains her licking to herself-I couldn't stand it if she was licking the floors, too.


I have to put earplugs in at night, otherwise the licking keeps me from sleeping.

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I have to put earplugs in at night, otherwise the licking keeps me from sleeping.


Oh my gosh, yes!! Our other dog licks himself instead of the floors and the sound of licking drives me up the wall! Ick. Fine, lick your junk if you want, but I do not want to hear it all night. But at least it doesn't leave slime on the floor.

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We adopted an old blind shepherd. He licked the walls constantly! After numerous vet visits, we discovered that his eyes were basically ROTTING...yuck! and ow for him! We had the eyes removed and replaced with protheses (sp?). The licking is rare now, though during times of stress he goes back to it -- however, not as intensely. I had no idea it was linked to pain. :(


But he's a much happier boy now!!



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