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Kill or No Kill Shelter first

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I have finally convinced my DH it is time to get our new puppy. I want to look at the Humane Society shelters in the area first. I just can't decide if I should go to the no kill shelter first and possibly relieve them of a puppy, or go to the kill shelter and possibly save the life of one. Do we reward the one that honors the life of the animal, or save the life of an animal?

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I think you should visit both shelters before making up your mind.




Neither one can save the life of all animals. When you adopt from the no-kill shelter, you're opening a spot that could be used for an animal that would otherwise go to the kill shelter.

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PLEASE find the dog that's right for your family.


Whether or not it might be put to sleep should have NO bearing on your decision.


Euthanasia is not the horror some people make it out to be. It's not like they're cutting the animal's throat and leaving it to die a slow, painful death.


Life in an animal shelter is no picnic, and if it appears that the animal is destined to live their life in the shelter, well, euthanasia is the kinder option IMO.

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Do we reward the one that honors the life of the animal, or save the life of an animal?


I don't want to stir the pot, but having worked at a "kill shelter" for 4 years, I have some experience with how things are run.

"No-kill shelters" aren't no-kill. Oh, they don't euthanize any animals, so technically they get to wear that crown. They bring all their undesirables, old, mean, wounded, dying to the "kill shelters" to take care of.

Our numbers were inflated and they got to look good. I watched this over and over while they got good press and we were called murderers. Many "no kill" shelters are also very selective on which animals they take. They typically only take animals in they think will leave again. "Kill shelters" get the rest.


Maybe not all "no kills" are like that. Maybe it's just been my experience in my area.


I wasn't going to mention anything because I usually keep this stuff to myself. Then I read your last line and had to say something. I say base your decision on which shelter has the animal you think would be a good fit for your home and don't worry about their euthanasia policy.

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My personal preference would be to look extensively at a no-kill shelter first for 2 main reasons:

1) generally, I have found (at our local no-kill, anyway) that the people who work there genuinely love these dogs and get to know them. They have a better idea of what temperament a dog has, who it will/won't get along with, and usually have a trial period or at least a bring-them-back-as-needed thing.

(with young kids, this is important to me - I have a pretty good "feel" for dogs and got our last one off the road one day & kept him, but overall I like to know more about a dog rather than less when kids are involved)

2) If I go into a kill shelter I am more likely to find a dog I "kind of" like and feel a desperate need to save THAT dog, even if it isn't the quite the right fit. Might work out great, sure, but I wouldn't feel like I had the luxury of time to figure it out.

(this is why I don't visit!!!)

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Not all kill shelters are equal. I have pulled dogs from "kill shelters" that were just the holding location for all dogs brought in by animal control. Parvo runs wild in those conditions, especially when it is just cages stacked on cages for small puppies. Other facilities just don't hold all of their animals indefinitely.


I hope you find a good dog for your family! :001_smile:

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