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s/o Have you been judged by your clothing/appearance?

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It's not you.


If you dressed the same way all of the other moms did, some of them would still find a reason to judge you. You wouldn't be wearing the right jewelry or driving the right car or living in the right neighborhood. Or you'd be wearing too much flashy jewelry, be showing off in your fancy car, or live in a house that's too big and too showy. Or you'd be too fat. Or too thin. Or any number of other things that have absolutely, positively nothing to do with whether or not you're a nice person and would be a nice friend.


I think some people just lie in wait for anyone who is a little different from themselves, and then they pounce on anything they can possibly find to criticize the person. It's the way they try make themselves feel superior to others.


It's so irritating.


Yeah, I know all this. It still makes it difficult sometimes. I fit in with the "wrong car and wrong house too." We drive a used Kia Sedona that has a few dings and scratches and NOT a luxury van/suv and we live in a tiny 2bd. house that is ooooollllllldddddd and needs a lot of work, but we're renters and can't really do much of the work without permission. I remember one of the moms looking at me like I had 3 heads because I said we only had one bathroom and my two oldest actually *GASP* share a bedroom.


I lose friendships too sometimes because we share one vehicle so I can't leave the house when DH is at work (he works afternoons) unless I keep the car and then keep my kids up until 11PM or later so that I can pick him back up. I've also stopped receiving invitations places that I have to turn down because we simply can't afford for me to have a GNO three nights a week at massage parlors, expenive restaurants, etc. :glare:


My biggest annoyance from it all is that I feel like (especially since we are homeschoolers) that it's hard for my children to find friends this way. If I can't befriend some moms, how will they meet children? *sigh*



True gentlemen don't always dress the part KWIM.


:iagree:So true

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  • 5 weeks later...
I have spent most of my life trying to convince people that being blonde and curvy doesn't automatically mean I have no brains. No one takes one look at me and thinks "she looks like she graduated at the top of her class"... I did.... Or "she looks like she has two master's degrees" ... I do. Nope. They usually think I am some ditzy chick who slept her way to the top.


That's at least one benefit of growing older. The wrinkles make me look less stupid I suppose.




I'm not extremely curvy, but I was always naturally thin and I had long, blond hair. Also I look young for my age....and looked particularly young in my 20s. People would assume I'm dumb (I qualify for Mensa and other more stringent IQ societies), anorexic, and I got TONS of dirty looks when I was pg at 29...especially if I was in my chuck taylors and/ or out shopping w/ my parents. I was married and near 30 and a little old lady muttered to me angrily about slutty unwed teens.! I still laugh.

Edited by Lisbeth
phone typos
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