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RealScience-4-Kids Chemistry


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I stretched Chem I to take one semester but my kids were grades 5 and 7. I found the text really a good basic introduction to each topic and then I "googled" other lessons to supplement. According to Gravitas, one year study is Chem I and Bio I and Physics I when you just follow their program as they suggest.



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The yahoo group that could really answer your questions is.....



I stretched Chem I to take one semester but my kids were grades 5 and 7. I found the text really a good basic introduction to each topic and then I "googled" other lessons to supplement. According to Gravitas, one year study is Chem I and Bio I and Physics I when you just follow their program as they suggest.




Thank you. I will check out the link.

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It would be pretty abstract for your 3rd grader, I think, but doable with help.


If you want to stretch it out, I suggest using Tiner's book "Exploring the World of Chemistry", which complements RS4K beautifully, and maybe "Awesome Ocean Adventures" which has a lot of information about water chemistry as it relates to oceans and fresh water rivers that run into them.

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There are now other books to go along w/ RS4kids science. The author has written a History of Science to go along w/ RS4K chem 1. There is also a art/music book, a philosophy book, and a critical thinking skills book. Of course these all come with a hefty price. I don't they have started shipping just yet but you can see sample pages. Google KOGS.


looks interesting but not sure if it's worth the money...I think i might splurge for the History book however.

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There are now other books to go along w/ RS4kids science. The author has written a History of Science to go along w/ RS4K chem 1. There is also a art/music book, a philosophy book, and a critical thinking skills book. Of course these all come with a hefty price. I don't they have started shipping just yet but you can see sample pages. Google KOGS.


looks interesting but not sure if it's worth the money...I think i might splurge for the History book however.


I strongly suggest that you look at the Tiner book before you invest heavily in the history book you mention. I have found it to complement the RS4K material wonderfully, including a lot of historical information and tying it to the chemistry; and sometimes it is nice to get two different perspectives in a study like that. Tiner might be less expensive, and it is Christian-friendly (including the Christian faith of the science researchers where appropriate, without claiming Sovereignity/Providence in their specific discoveries.) It is also much more detailed in its information than the samples I have seen of the history for level 1 on the website.

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I added in some experiments from Adventures with Molecules as well as some library books. It was plenty for an entire school-year of science, although we do science intensively over the summer. I should be able to find my plan. Send me a PM if you want to look at it.

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