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Dr. Hive - Welts and other symptoms in child too young to say much. Lol.

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My 2 1/2 year old suddenly broke out in what looks like welts/hives, ONLY on his legs (randomly getting them on his face too; but those went away quickly?). He also has a fever, runny nose, and is sneezing. The welts/hives aren't bothering him at all. Unfortunately he also doesn't have the vocab to do much more than look at the welts and say "uh oh Mom Mom; sorry". Lol.


We just got back from my FIL's in Philadelphia around 1 am this morning. I can take him to the walk-in weekend hours at ped's office tomorrow, but considering it's for sick children only, and his lungs are especially fragile (congenital lung condition) this time of year, I would really rather NOT expose him to any number of strep, flu, and pneumonia cases :tongue_smilie:.


I'm thinking that a virus is causing the hives; not an allergic reaction since he has the other symptoms (fever, runny nose, sneezing). He's had no new foods and no medication other than benedryl and motrin.


So what do you guys think? I gave him an oatmeal bath (Aveeno), some more benedryl, and fed him chicken in bed. He's comfortable and I can't convince him that he's sick and should stay calm :D. He was throwing grapes at the dog a minute ago and yelling "Max and Ruuuusy!" (Max and Ruby) as he ran across the house.


So - to the doctor's tomorrow, or is it not worth the risk of exposing him for something worse? Do you think it's an allergic reaction to something, or a virus?

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Did he sit on anything unusual? My oldest gets weird rashes at times. The ones on her legs come from sitting on newly mowed grass. Also, for a while we were using the stuff you sprinkle on carpets and then vacuum it up to make the room smell nice. That would break her out in a rash where she touched it.

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Not that I know of... his pants (that he was wearing the day the welts appeared) were washed in the same detergent we always use, and was used on his other clothing with no problems.

Did he sit on anything unusual? My oldest gets weird rashes at times. The ones on her legs come from sitting on newly mowed grass. Also, for a while we were using the stuff you sprinkle on carpets and then vacuum it up to make the room smell nice. That would break her out in a rash where she touched it.
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Even though there's nothing in his mouth or on his feet?


Dd had nothing on her feet but the dr did find a small ulcer in her mouth that we didn't see. I just threw it out there because her welts were heavy on her legs but would come and go everywhere else. Also because of the fever and cold symptoms.

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I wouldn't take him in because of his lungs unless they worsen considerably. Hives are strange and irritating, but not as serious as a lung infection. Did your ILs have a different detergent, or Christmas tree, or? Legs only could still be an allergic reaction. I had a terrible time with DS2 when he was a baby, figuring out a bad case of hives that were worst on his legs and feet. It was a food reaction though. And just a quick p.s.: grapes can be very bad for dogs. ;)

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I would lean toward "virus" as well. And as long as he's not uncomfortable, I'd just give Benedryl / monitor and not worry about trying to restrict his activity if he's playing happily.


If it gets any worse, I'd take him to Urgent Care.


But hives from a virus are very common -- especially in little ones. My main worry would be about keeping him comfortable.

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I wouldn't take him in because of his lungs unless they worsen considerably. Hives are strange and irritating, but not as serious as a lung infection. Did your ILs have a different detergent, or Christmas tree, or? Legs only could still be an allergic reaction. I had a terrible time with DS2 when he was a baby, figuring out a bad case of hives that were worst on his legs and feet. It was a food reaction though. And just a quick p.s.: grapes can be very bad for dogs. ;)


Thanks! My FIL doesn't use any detergent - I'm not sure what the lady uses who cleans for him. However, we didn't see any hives until AFTER we left (we were getting out of the car and coming into our own home), and it's a 14 hour drive, so I'm not sure it's something he was exposed to there?


Luckily our GSD doesn't do grapes or other fruit. Lol.

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Sounds possibly viral to me especially with the limited location and the other symptoms. Short of recommending over the counter Zyrtec (you don't have to dose as often as benadryl and it's very good with hives) I don't know what a doctor would do. If they thought allergies they'd maybe refer to an allergist but most hives are going to be something else and most of the time they never figure out what. I wouldn't take him in for hives.

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I would check http://www.askdrsears.com. I think if he isn't acting sick and your mama alarm isn't going off I would wait a few days. IF you think something is wrong take him in. It could even be a unknown food allergy. I have one kid that every once in a while will get a rash or welts but we haven't figured out what it is. Talk about annoying.

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I would check www.askdrsears.com. I think if he isn't acting sick and your mama alarm isn't going off I would wait a few days. IF you think something is wrong take him in. It could even be a unknown food allergy. I have one kid that every once in a while will get a rash or welts but we haven't figured out what it is. Talk about annoying.

Lol! That's the site I looked at actually; it's the one that made me think "viral hives". Love Dr. Sears :)

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