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it feels so good . .

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to declutter.:thumbup:

I've been listing some furniture items we no longer use/need on craigslist, 'cause who wants to store it. well, one item is a full size bed. I'm including all my full size sheets/pads. I will have no use for them anymore.;) so, I had to empty an overflowing closet trying to find them since I have someone coming to look at it tomorrow. there were 2 pads/6 sheet sets. (dd used it for awhile and bought more). while I was at it, I figured anything I no longer want/use/like could also get put in my charity pile. I think I only kept about 1/3 of what was in the closet. I love it.:001_wub:


and I found a king size top sheet/pad and pillow cases. I would like to know how they ended up in there . . . . .

Edited by gardenmom5
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Looking forward to some decluttering when we get back home. Being at the IL's puts me in the mood (tchotchkes everywhere!). :D



I recall reading a passage in Miss Manners Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior about the "shocking taste" of tchotchkes/knick-nacks/*EVERYTHING* matching/etc. I thought, okay, yeah. then I went to one older woman's house, and about fell over laughing as I "finally, absolutely, understood what she was saying". the woman had a wall of family pictures - every single photo (going back to the 1800's) was 8x10, in identical frames with brass nameplates of each individual person. (no groups allowed). All evenly space on the wall, the B&W ones had been colorized. I know some of them she had spent a considerable sum on too. It looked like something you would see in a history musem display of presidents.


it also was full of "collectable" knick-nacks in series, series of identical "collectors" children's books. it left me speechless. and NO surface was bare, all were full of tchotchkes. wow.


My mil loves that kind of junk - my fil always asked her "where will you put it?", and "do you want to dust it?"

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I really need to do this. I could probably bring in close to $1,000 just on scrapbooking stuff I have collected over the last few years and then quit scrapbooking. My closet is stuffed with it and could use a good cleaning out. Craigslist scares me though which is why I haven't done so yet.

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I really need to do this. I could probably bring in close to $1,000 just on scrapbooking stuff I have collected over the last few years and then quit scrapbooking. My closet is stuffed with it and could use a good cleaning out. Craigslist scares me though which is why I haven't done so yet.

I just gave all my scrapbooking things to our craft room so dd can use it, figured after 7 years od not using the stuff someone else should.. I did this the other day as I decluttered our closet. I have been going room by room cleaning and decluttering. I am amazed at how much trash and junk I am finding. And yes it feels so good to get it out of the house. I won't even keep the Good Will items in the house, as I gather them up they go straight to the van.

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This week I have finally had the time to start decluttering the upstairs. 90% of it is clothes the kids have outgrown. Since I have three girls in three different sizes (yes I have twins but they're farther apart in size than the smaller twin and her 2.5 year younger sister), it isn't always obvious when someone outgrows something what should be done with it, but I made them come up, try stuff on, and also tell me what they'll actually wear, because what one kid loved sometimes another can't stand. Also, sorted and got through a ton of hand-me-downs from a friend - again, some of it they like and then the rest has to go back.


Everything is in bags and ready to go out the door! Hopefully after that the rest of the decluttering should be a breeze.

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