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2 hrs. with my stepdad is enough, thank you.

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My mom and stepdad came over to exchange gifts. The man wears me slap out!! He's an old school Southern man who loves to talk about his childhood and how he drove the schoolbus for the other kids when he was 13 years old. But what really drives me nuts is 2 things that happen every.single.time.he starts talking. UGH! First, he is a name dropper. He talks about famous people rubbing elbows with him. Um, he's an usher at events like concerts and ballgames. I'm fairly certain that he isn't backstage partying with band members or in the locker rooms. He talks about how he's best buddies with the owners of various ball clubs and car dealerships. The second thing is his attitude towards anyone different from him. He tries to talk dirty about "them foreigners" or "non-Americans". He insists they aren't Americans because of their names and the way they look. ARGH!!! So, I stop him every single time and tell him he has NO idea which people are Americans and which are not, and regardless, he should be respectful. He also likes to talk about "them colored people". I repeatedly tell him that kind of talk is not allowed in my home and that he should be ashamed of himself. He seriously stares at me with a blank look. I repeatedly explain to him that America isn't a nation full of Southern white men. Egads!!


I'll have to endure it all again on my birthday in January. It's so unpleasant. :(

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You might have fun calling his bluffs; ask for private party invitations with his friends.... start asking what colors he's talking about.... are they olive skinned? brown? red? green? black? or white? Or perhaps start singing the Jesus loves this little children... Pretty sure I'd have some pat answers all said with Southern Sweetness... ready for January. I'd also have my kids call him Papaw or something similar :)

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Not to excuse his behavior but I have/had relatives that are similar. I had an uncle (who has now passed away) who, when I was in college, was talking to my boyfriend who had come home with me for the weekend. Uncle found out he was from San Antonio and asked him how he could stand living down there with all those (not so nice term for people with a Latino/Hispanic background)... Did I mention my boy friend's surname was Hernandez and his grandparents only spoke Spanish? Boyfriend never batted an eye and kept visiting with Uncle. We dated for several years and almost got married andtThey loved each other and got along great. I don't think it ever even crossed Uncle's mind that boyfriend was one of "those people". When he was face to face with an individual it was different that sterotyping a group to him. It still made me cringe and I hated it when he said stuff like that. I am glad my kids never heard it too.

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Oh my gosh. He wouldn't be inside the door long enough for him to take off his coat. I have no tolerance for that. I certainly wouldn't want him within earshot of the kids. I'm so sorry. :grouphug:


Can't you get together the day before your birthday and go out to lunch with your mom - girls day only? I couldn't imagine spending any portion of a birthday that way. :grouphug:

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Can't you get together the day before your birthday and go out to lunch with your mom - girls day only? I couldn't imagine spending any portion of a birthday that way. :grouphug:


My mom doesn't go anywhere without her husband. It's rather bizarre but then again, my mom is a naturally bizarre person. They have a strange relationship but I figure they are perfect for each other because they are both bizarre people! :lol:


They come to my house and I usually tell them to get here around 2:00pm. My mom doesn't like driving in traffic or at night so they leave by 4:00pm. Yes, I'm good that way. :D

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My mom doesn't go anywhere without her husband. It's rather bizarre but then again, my mom is a naturally bizarre person. They have a strange relationship but I figure they are perfect for each other because they are both bizarre people! :lol:


They come to my house and I usually tell them to get here around 2:00pm. My mom doesn't like driving in traffic or at night so they leave by 4:00pm. Yes, I'm good that way. :D


Nice scheduling! May those two hours pass quickly! You're a good daughter. :001_smile:

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