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I've replied to a several threads and even started my own, without making an introduction so I thought I should!


I have 6 biological kids and 3 step kids. My 17, 14 and 13 year old's are from my 1st husband, he passed away in a car accident in 1999. I was single mom until 2006 that's when I married my dh and we've had 3 kids sense. :001_smile: My dh has 3 other kids from his previous marriage, who've lived with their mom full time and came to visit only a handful of times. My dh has been fighting to get custody since they moved to California because he never got to see them, it didn't look good but then out of the blue their mom just gave him full custody starting January 1st. We live in Northern Michigan, I grew up here and so did my dh. I've been homeschooling on and off sense 2001. Ds17 has gone to ps mostly, except for 7th & 8th grade. Dd14 was homeschooled for 1st-3rd & 7th. She went to ps for 4th-6th and private school starting in 8th and she'll probably graduate from there. Dd13 has always been homeschooled (except for pre-k). The book The Well Trained Mind was one of the first books I read while researching homeschooling and I follow some of it. I also lean alot towards CM approaches. I've researched alot on these boards over the years. I just decided to make an account because I thought maybe I had something to chime in on considering this is our 8th year homeschooling. :D


I tried to keep it short but guess not.. :tongue_smilie: Hope everyone had a great Christmas! :)

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Welcome Laura. :001_smile:


We have plenty of stepmoms here. Many of them have lots more experience than I do. :tongue_smilie: We'll hopefully be helpful should you need any support as you transition to your new living situation.


Sounds like you all will have a full house. What a blessing!

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