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Paleo question

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I have a recipe here, and I'm wondering if it's acceptable for someone on a Paleo diet...


It's a Christmas log, with absolutely no flour. There's sugar, though. Does it make it acceptable if the sugar is replaced with Splenda? I mean, considering it's a Christmas log...


I'm not looking for something that's purely Paleo, just something that would be acceptable for someone following that diet, as a one time thing.



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Is it strict paleo? No. People who are strict paleo would definitely avoid the sugar (and not replace it with Splenda), possibly the cream (which is technically primal, not paleo), and maybe even the cocoa (or salt, or vanilla).


But you'd really have to ask. There are many interpretations of paleo, and a vastly different interpretation of appropriate cheats. Some eat dairy, some don't. Some would be willing to eat it because it doesn't contain gluten or grain. Some would prefer the sugar be replaced with Splenda, some would prefer just having the sugar if it can't be replaced with a more natural alternative. Some would avoid it entirely. Some have very liberal versions of cheating and will eat anything, as long as it remains a small part of their diet.


Personally, I'd probably try a small amount (I have to be fairly strict about avoiding dairy because my nursing baby doesn't tolerate it, not because of my interpretation of paleo), but not with Splenda, because I am horribly suspicious of artificial sweeteners. My DH (who is more focused on low-carb/weight loss) would probably prefer the Splenda.


I suspect most would at least appreciate the effort to have something grain-free, regardless.

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My other suggestion would be to use something natural for garnish instead of frosting with food coloring. Real berries (or frosting made with real berries) instead of red food coloring, for example (having a harder time coming up with good options for the green parts, but you could use leaves of some sort and just have that part be purely visual).

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Grains are usually the thing that remains totally unacceptable - if it were me, I'd prefer real sugar over artificial sweeteners. Paleo people did have access to honey, so not all sweetners are totally a no-no all the time!


We are paleo/primal. We prefer real sugar over artificial sweeteners. If I knew something had splenda in it I will not eat it. Granulated sugar...yes I will but will try to eat more meat if doing so. :) We will not budge on grains but sugar we will. :)


ETA: I didn't read all the post so sorry for bringing this up again. LOL!!




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They said yes! :D


As expected, they're willing to cheat on sugar because it's Christmas time but not on flour. My SIL is all happy that I thought of them!


You are a fantastic host. I am planning to eat dinner at home before I go to a dinner party, because I don't want to starve if there's nothing I can eat.

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The link to the recipe is in the very first post. I would NOT talk food here without posting a recipe... I know better.


Doh! :blush: Sorry, I was so busy reading the rest of the discussion, I wasn't interested in the recipe until you posted that mouth-watering picture! Thanks for the link :D

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