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The Real Meaning of Christmas!

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I feel like I haven't focused enough on the real meaning of Christmas this year. I wanted to start a thread that might help me and others who feel the need to refocus attention on to the real reason why we celebrate Christmas, the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ. I figured we could all post videos, stories, personal experiences, etc. that might help others feel the sweet , loving, giving spirit of the Christmas Season. Lets set aside all of our differences that we may have and focus on the birth of our Savior and what it means to us. Anyone interested in sharing?:001_smile:


I will go first....


These are three videos that I have found that really helped me focus on the true meaning of Christmas. Yes they were made by my church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormons or LDS), but I think they can be enjoyed by all!


The first is a video that even all the kids will love. It is a short animated video called "The Coat." I hope you enjoy it, it made me cry!


The second video is a talk (sermon) given by Dieter F. Uchtdorf called "Seeing Christmas Through New Eyes." The talk uses the theme from "How the Grinch Stole Christmas." It talks about how Christmas isn't all about presents. I really enjoyed the talk!


The third video is called "A Light Unto All: A Christmas Gift." This one may have more of an LDS theme to it just because it is LDS missionaries sharing the story of the birth of our Savior. It is pretty neat because you can see what country they are from, I like it because it shows how the story of the nativity is universal throughout the whole earth. I enjoyed it, I hope you do to.


I would love to hear others favorite videos or stories as well. I really look forward to reading your posts! I know that I am in much need of some REAL Christmas spirit and perhaps others are as well. These videos are just a few I found today as I was searching the videos on my church's website. But I am sure there are so many more videos and stories out there. Merry Christmas to everyone on the WTM forum!!!:D

Edited by ForeverFamily
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I feel badly it has taken me so long to get back to this thread. I had to go to a family dinner right after posting. But I was really excited to get back to see what others may have posted!


A couple music videos that really remind me of the reason....




I love the song Breath of Heaven!!! Another one by Amy Grant that I love as well is Welcome to our World.

is a link to a music video with that song if anyone is interested.


I had never heard before A Baby Changes Everything. The music video was wonderful, I really enjoyed it! Thanks so much for sharing!!!


Another one to add to this thread is a song I just heard for the first time tonight. It is



There is also I story I once heard that I was hoping to add, but I can't find it anywhere. Maybe someone else has heard it before. It is about a little girl that all she wants for Christmas is a Red Balloon. I think she was at school when she asked for the balloon. Someone at the school worked really hard to make sure that she was able to get that Balloon. After she recieved it she asked if she could go outside and let it float away into the sky. The man who worked so hard to get it was really confused and a little dissappointed that she wanted to get rid of the balloon. Come to find out the reason she wanted a Red balloon was to be able to give it to Jesus for His birthday. I don't know whether or not that story is true, but it is such a sweet story. I wish I could find it.


I look forward to any other great finds that others have made.:001_smile:

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In Charlie Brown's Christmas... you know when Linus takes the spot light and says "Sure Charlie Brown I can tell you what Christmas is all about".




I forgot about that show! I love Charlie Brown Christmas, I used to watch it all the time when I was a kids! It has been so long since I have seen it! I forgot that part was even in it! You wouldn't see a scene like that in cartoons anymore.:lol: Thanks for reminding me about it, I will have to watch it again, I think I might have it on my DVR:D! Thank you for sharing.

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We had our family Christmas celebration today and my 6 year old taught us all a lesson on how to graciously receive a rock when all the other kids are getting toys. Honestly, he just blew me away!


I wanna' be more like him when I grow up.


That is such a sweet story! It makes me wonder how I myself or one of my kiddos would have acted in that situation?! Something to ponder.;) I love how children can very quickly put things back into perspective by such simple kind actions like that. Thank you so much for sharing!

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