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Living in Idaho

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I can't really say what it's like to live there. My parents are from Northern Idaho & most of my relatives still live there. A couple of my aunts homeschooled there for a time. Idaho is one of the most unregulated states. I'm not even sure you need to notify the school district that you intend to homeschool.

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Because I'm biased. I LOVE Boise!!! I don't live there, but I do live about two hours away. I visit there often, and I would like to live there someday. It is not S. Cal., but I think it is much better. Idaho is a very homeschool-friendly state. I don't have report to anyone, count days, or even test. I did test my oldest two, but it is not required. PM me with specific questions.

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We're in the northern part of the state. It's a great place to live! The homeschool laws are incredible, and were actually just recently clarified. Here's a link from HSLDA about the homeschool laws in Idaho http://www.hslda.org/laws/analysis/Idaho.pdf and an overview about the recent clarification of the law http://www.hslda.org/hs/state/id/200904300.asp

There are two very active homeschool coalitions (ICHE and CHOIS) who both work closely with and have an excellent relationship with the state Legislature (in fact, I believe the recent positive homeschool law was passed unanimously by both the House and Senate). Homeschooling is actually incredibly popular in this state- you won't have a problem finding groups or activities. And the best part is, when you tell people you homeschool no one even bats an eye and you typically get very positive responses. (FWIW, I WAS homeschooled in Idaho and I have homeschooled MY kids in both SoCal and Idaho -so I know how vastly different those two experiences will be for you. You'll be happy here.) :)

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I lived all over Idaho for six years, including two years in Boise while homeschooling my older two boys. It's a great place to live, although very different from southern California. Boise isn't the most exciting part of the state, but it still doesn't take long to drive to more interesting places. Boise is a nice little city- it still has a small town feel in many ways, although it's far and away the biggest city in the state. Nothing else in Idaho even comes close to Boise.


Like others have said, Idaho is an easy place to homeschool. I never had any trouble there, not from neighbors or friends or anyone official.

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