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Aaarrgh - DH only wants to buy 'real' gifts

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You know what I hate getting? Flowers, jewelry, perfume, and body lotions. I don't use any of these things. And flowers, it's like "here's a bunch of dead things you can stick in a vase and watch wilt in a couple of days". Who ever thought that was a good idea? A plant wouldn't be bad, at least it's not already dead.


Right. If you give me a plant, I get to kill it myself. :lol:

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I think it's sweet of your husband to want to give you something special which is just for you. But I understand your point, and agree that Christmas is the time to get you what you truly do want.


I thought a pound of red wigglers were gummy worms.


Glad I could help.:tongue_smilie:


:lol: I really really want high quality worms for my worm beds. The ones I picked online were over $30.00 a pound. yikes...That moves them into gift territory for me. :001_smile: Otherwise I will probably just pick up some earthworms at the bait store, not quite the right guys for the job but much cheaper.


He really is an awesome guy and wants me to like my gifts.

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My husbands grandmother use to give us gift bags at Christmas time of random stuff. I would get underwear size triple X and a small sweater some crazy salt and pepper shakers, a broken ring box, and a bunch of other "crap". I think sometimes she just grabbed stuff from around her house to throw in the bag. She's loaded too so that wasn't the issue.


Love that lady but gift cards are so much better! We would all sit around and trade stuff after she left the Christmas party. :tongue_smilie:

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Perhaps I should explain 'surprise gifts'.


I give him a bunch of ideas. I don't just let him twist in the wind :lol:


For example, this year I admitted that I really DO want a hippo for Christmas. And a Garth Brooks cd. And titles of some books I'd love to have, etc, etc.


I give him enough ideas that whatever he gets me, I'll be surprised w/.


Occasionally, he goes off on his own tangent. Like last year, he decided I needed a new 'nice coat'. *sigh* The coat isn't bad, but it's this chocolate brown colour...I loathe brown. Completely, totally, and utterly. All shades. I think I look like a walking turd in it. I'm hoping the coat will die, so I can replace it w/a red wool one one day.


W/my luck, it'll last a decade or more. :tongue_smilie:


you want a HIPPO? :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh:

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I prefer practical gifts. DW gave me a nail gun for Christmas. I hope my mom is getting me a Kitchenaid Mixer. I'm SUPER excited. If she'd bought me diamonds I would have thought "but we could have spent this money on something that would actually make life more pleasant or fun!!". Which for me would be tools or kitchen equipment. Or babysitters. Thankfully DW is totally on board about this.


That said, EVERY single Christmas and birthday, her coworkers (all men) chat about what they're getting their wives (jewelery, coach purses, etc) and when she says she's getting me a Wok (Birthday 3 years ago) or a really nice knife (Christmas 2 years ago) they always tease her that she's going to be "in the doghouse" over it. Funny how I've never been upset by one of her gifts. Probably because she actually LISTENS and gets me what I WANT instead of what society and her coworkers think I should want. :-D


ETA: Part of the point though is that she gets me stuff that I wouldn't have just bought for myself. Like she's not going to get me a box of pasta and bread, I buy those normally. She won't get me a vacuum this year because I'm happy with the one I have. But I want to build some bookshelves and a nailer will make that job MUCH easier and more fun for me. I probably wouldn't have bought it because it's expensive, and I can use a hammer after all...but the nailer will make my life easier, which makes it a great present to me!!


I have both a nail gun and a Kitchenaid mixer. The mixer was a gift, but I have to pick my own tools. Just a thing I have about that... :tongue_smilie:

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This year, start hinting around for jelly.


Or marshmallow Fluff.


Or Nutella.


Or if she's feeling particularly generous, all of the above plus a loaf of bread. ;)


I did get both once. No wait... that was ds. My youngest kiddo got both for his birthday. (I got a can of nuts that year.)


He was not surprised in the least in spite of being only 6 or 7 at the time. That's telling. :tongue_smilie:

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I love this thread.


My dh doesn't believe in buying practical presents, either, but I'm fine with that. I have occasionally mentioned something practical as a suggestion, but he just says that if I need it, we'll just go out and buy it, so what do I want for Christmas. :tongue_smilie:


He's a really great guy, though, and the sky is the limit in terms of gifts. There is honestly nothing I could ask for that he wouldn't buy, so I have to be careful what I mention unless I'm really serious about it.


He's still bugging me about what I want for Christmas this year, but I really can't think of anything I need or want. I have to come up with something soon, because if I don't, he'll get me something way more extravagant than I want (and he'll pay way more for it than I would have, too, because I'm the better shopper. He doesn't even look for sales!!! :eek:)

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I have both a nail gun and a Kitchenaid mixer. The mixer was a gift, but I have to pick my own tools. Just a thing I have about that... :tongue_smilie:


Lol. I love both tools and kitchen appliances, but I'm WAY more comfortable with someone else picking out my tools than my kitchen stuff. Mom likes to get me kitchen things, but I have to be really specific (do not say "I want a paring knife" to mom without more information).


My dad buys me tools sometimes, and I do have to be careful there too, though. He's a building contractor, so he knows tools, but he waffles between "girly tools" that are junk and fall apart and top-of-the-line stuff that he would use. Or he thinks I should just ask him to fix/build stuff instead of getting the tools I need to do it myself. (He lives 5 hours away, and I appreciate all he does for me, but this is NOT a practical approach for all home repairs...)

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you want a HIPPO? :001_huh::001_huh::001_huh:



Ever since I was a kid, I've adored hippos. I've always wanted to collect them, but in my family growing up, it would have been a source of torment (ie fat as a hippo, etc).


So, I want to start collecting hippos. Hippo mugs, figurines, stuffed hippos, ornaments, whatever. Charm bracelet w/hippos. Anything hippo. Cute ones, though.


"I can see me now on Christmas morning, creeping down the stairs! Oh what joy and what surprise, when I open up my eyes and see a Hippo Hero standing there!" :D

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