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Best thing we've done for anxious dd

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My dd has a history of anxiety & OCD, and we have had her in therapy, on medication, etc... I have anxiety issues, myself, and both my dh & I come from a background of angry fathers, and are "yellers".


I've felt so powerless, and have prayed that we find the right help for our family, and I think we have.


Someone on here recommended the site: www.celebratecalm.com , and I've been receiving their emails for a while, but the cd's are expensive. FINALLY, I felt like we couldn't afford not to try them, and they have made a huge difference! I feel like we are being given specific tools that we can apply, tools that help us all.


Anyway, I just had to post this, in case anyone else is in the same situation. I have purchased sooooo many books on anxiety and OCD, and they all have steps and things to try, but honestly nothing worked. I think because a lot of what we are doing now is changing our behavior first, and changing how we deal with dd. Our reactions made her behavior worse.


Our therapist wasn't bad, but we weren't able to see him weekly, and while he did give us some tools, they weren't enough. I'm not saying you shouldn't get therapy for your dc; we will continue to have dd see hers, just not as often. Also, if you find the perfect fit for your child, it is obviously the best thing.


Sorry I'm rambling; I just am so happy, and had to share the info.!:001_smile:

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thanks for posting this. my ds has a number of issues and we've had to pick and choose which to work on getting under control. I'm realizing his anxiety is affecting his ability to even think about doing school work so it has bumped up in priority.

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Thank you for this! :grouphug: One of our dc sees the family therapist for anxiety issues - in fact, dh and I were there today to tie up some loose ends from the month of December. DC sees the therapist approx once a week, and we are making progress, but it is expensive.


I will definitely check out the link you mentioned -- :grouphug:

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I have a child with anxiety (likely OCD too) and another with emotional regulation issues. My husband tends to have issues himself especially with anger. Was there a certain cd set that helped the most?


I spoke with someone from the company, because there are so many cd's & I wasn't sure which to get. For us, they recommended "Calm Parenting", "Stop Defiance & Disrespect Now" (it helps you figure out the root issue with children-doesn't have you just punish), and "Straight Talk for Kids". The Defiance & Disrespect comes with an extra cd that is called "Straight Talk for Dads". We haven't even listened to that one yet. "Straight Talk for Kids" is specifically for them to listen to.


If you are at all uncertain, I would call. I spoke with someone for almost 30 minutes.


Good luck.:grouphug:

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