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s/o sick kids - siblings?

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I am very much the sort who keeps sick kids home and gets irritated when others don't. However, I'm often in a pickle about the siblings. I have one child who gets EVERYTHING and another who is rarely sick. I would never want to make another person sick and tend to keep ALL kids home or away from others when one is sick.


But it's hard to know how contagious something is. An ear infection in one child, I know, won't spread to another, but the cold/congestion that brought it on might.


Ugh. Right now I have one who is sick and the other two want to have friends to play with this afternoon. Hard to be "bad cop" when they aren't sick (but might be later).


Thanks for letting me share.

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What I do is tell the other kids' parents and let them decide.


Personally, I don't keep my kids away from germs, because I have no reason to. So if someone called me and told me that a sibling in the house was sick, but the child my kid was friends with was OK to play, then I wouldn't hold my kids back. For those who would, I'm sure you have very good reasons, but they don't apply to all.


On the other hand, if I know there are immune-compromised folks at the destination, then I'll keep sick kids (and siblings and myself) home.

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What I do is tell the other kids' parents and let them decide.


On the other hand, if I know there are immune-compromised folks at the destination, then I'll keep sick kids (and siblings and myself) home.




I keep my kids away from fever and vomiting. Period. Colds? Eh.


However, I would personally not take the chance right now though, so close to Christmas. If they are exposed today, they'll likely be sick for Christmas, and that's no fun. When you extrapolate the different ways colds progress in different people (ending in bronchitis, sinus infections, etc.), it's even more reason to pass on play today.

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I tend to keep everyone home. Just last month ds was invited to a birthday party. He woke up sounding froggy but claimed he felt great. Meanwhile, dd4 started running a fever. I called the other mom and said I though ds just had a slight cold, but dd4 was running a fever. She was fine with having ds over, but I just couldn't let him go. I couldn't imagine ds going over, running around, getting a fever, and spreading all kinds of cooties. Even though ds didn't have a fever, his sister did.


Last year we had to miss our church Christmas program because dd4 was puking. The other kids felt fine, but I just couldn't do it. I'm glad we kept them home because everyone started feeling icky later that day.


I'm not scared of germs. I just hate having to watch my kids suffer through crud just because someone else was inconsiderate. I know kids will pick up cooties in a vacuum, but it just really ticks me off when people intentionally and knowingly bring their sick kids around others.

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What I do is tell the other kids' parents and let them decide.


Personally, I don't keep my kids away from germs, because I have no reason to. So if someone called me and told me that a sibling in the house was sick, but the child my kid was friends with was OK to play, then I wouldn't hold my kids back. For those who would, I'm sure you have very good reasons, but they don't apply to all.


On the other hand, if I know there are immune-compromised folks at the destination, then I'll keep sick kids (and siblings and myself) home.


:iagree: Often my friends don't mind playing together if it's just a cold. Other times they're about to travel and don't want to risk getting sick. At those times my friends usually opt out of playing together. It's nice to be able to make the decision before heading to a friends to play.


ETA: We usually meet up at outdoor parks, so it's not quite the same germ fest as an indoor setting. :-)

Edited by coffeegal
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