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Does anyone have their sons and daughters sharing a bathroom?

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How do you solve this problem?


My 2 sons (15 & 13) and 2 daughters (both 13) share a bathroom. The toilet and shower are in 2 separate private rooms, which is fine. Then there's a long vanity with a girls' sink and a boys' sink. The doors to this area are never closed or locked. The problem is, the girls don't like to put their deodorant on in the bathroom because they have to keep their shirt off till it dries. So they take it in their room and keep it on their dresser which I don't like. Toiletries need to stay in the bathroom where they won't ruin the furniture. What can I do? I thought about getting some kind of "dressing shirt" (is there such a thing?) for them to wear while grooming. Then they could put on their deodorant and still be covered. Or maybe some kind of loose robe? Any ideas?

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Well, we all 5 share one bathroom here, so I would say either each person gets his/her own bathroom time alone until finished or the girls go first, then the boys.


I put my deodorant on in my bedroom, so that's a possibility too. Actually, we all have our own deodorant in our room (we each use a different one).


Oh -- I just read about the pieces. I've never had that happen, so it didn't cross my mind. They make deodorant that isn't solid, it's a liquid the comes up out of cracks in the top. The top dresser drawer in my husband's chest of drawers is for deodorant, my perfume, my barrettes, and other sorts of things. This works perfectly for us.

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We have 2 bathrooms, one in my room that is for Dh and I( Unless someone needs to use it and the other is full) and the 10 kids share the other. Each person gets the bathroom until they are done grooming. When the kids have to be someone early in the morning we just plan it so everyone gets adequate time.

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I have a boy and girl sharing a bathroom. Personally, my antiperspirant is in my bedroo;, but since that bothers you, why not switch to an antiperspirant that goes on dry. I can't stand to have wet stuff under my arms. Mine just rolls on and it isn't wet or sticky.

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You could get a bath bag (or something similar) for each child. They can put some of their grooming items like hair accessories, deodorant, acne cream, moisturizer, etc. It's portable which means the stuff can be used wherever the bag is carried and everything has a home. Of course that doesn't take care of the pieces of solid deodorant that end up on the carpet.


FWIW, my kids are 10, 11 and 16 and they require a great deal of privacy when they are grooming. My ds11 locks his bedroom door when he puts on his deodorant. We have a bathroom that has 2 areas as well, but all the doors are closed when someone is in the bathroom. None of my children care for the idea that while they are in the shower, someone is on the toilet or at the sink in the same area even if there is a door between them. It's too intimate for them.

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