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Hemaphobia & Puberty

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Anyone have a daughter with an extreme fear of blood who has survived the onset of menses? My 11 yr old daughter made great strides it her problem after a few months with a child psychologist, but the discussion I had recently about "changes" that are on the horizon has erased much of the progress we made. (This isn't a small fear; we're talking passing out just from hearing the word spoken.) Since this is a sensitive subject, I would greatly appreciate you emailing me privately if you have any suggestions that might help.


Thanks in advance.

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I don't have any grand ideas to share but I can tell you this -


I have always had a great fear of blood too - I also pass out when it is even spoke about (do you want to know how embaressing it is to pass out in front of your class when you have to do a mandatory First Aid class because the instructor decided to talk about what blood looks like when it comes from different parts of your body :lol:).


Anyway - I have never, ever had a problem with menses blood. I'm not sure why - probably because I know it is normal whilst most other bleeding is not KWIM. I think I pass out more from the thought that the bleeding is a sign of trouble rather then the blood itself.


So maybe there is hope that she won't have a problem with it :001_smile:

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I have no experience with a fear of blood, so please do ignore if this is unhelpful. Just thinking about what sewingmama said, I wondered if a study of how the whole menstrual cycle works might be helpful? Although with an average point of view, I know I didn't despise periods once I really understood their role in the monthly process. If she knew that it's really a cleansing/renewal, rather than blood from injury, perhaps that would ease her distress?

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One of my daughters gets upset when she sees blood. I had the same fear, so I talked to her before it happened. I was extremely gentle and reassuring. She still cried at the thought and any time it was discussed or mentioned. It wasn't the process or inconvenience. She said she didn't want to see or deal with the blood, even though she understood the function of it all.


When it did happen, she handled it much better than I had expected. I was actually very surprised. I help her if clothing needs cleaning as she is a bit sensitive to deal with that alone. I'm really proud of her.


I'm not sure how your little one will deal with it, but I do hope it goes well. :grouphug:

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I am not that bad. But, I can't look down when I am giving birth and I go all natural in a tub! I pass out when I have blood taken. Needles make me very ill. My kid with the bloody noses had to learn to deal with it himself.


NO ONE help me with my period. It was horrible and embarassing. I didn't know how to use anything and it made it that much worse. I always got blood on things and I could not handle what to do with dirty clothes.


So, explain it to her and give her options.

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I really appreciate all the input. I gently explained the entire thing a few months ago only using the word once it did not go well. I just had a baby this year and thought that since it's part of the process of creating life, it might go better than it did. She was very much into the stages of baby development when I was expecting so I was hopeful. I am very encouraged to hear that some folks with the fear have done better than expected with menses. That helps this mommy's heart a great deal!:001_smile:

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