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What are some common sugar/caffeine withdrawal symptoms?

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My google search wasn't too specific -- actually it kept taking me to the same individual's report on common symptoms, so thought I'd ask the Hive.


I gave up sugar completely 3 days ago .... and I've been soooooo sleepy, sluggish, and tired. I thought I was supposed to have more energy ---- :glare:..guess it hasn't been enough time.


I've had a mild on and off headache for these 3 days also.

BTW, I gave up caffeine also.


Can anyone share what they know about sugar/caffeine withdrawal?


When will I feel better?

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Giving up caffeine gives me a headache for 2-3 days.


I don't know about giving up sugar, exactly, but if you have reduced your overall carb intake, you would probably be tired, crabby, and possibly have intense cravings until your body adjusts to the "new normal".

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For me: caffeine - headache, 'fuzzy headed' I found it hard to think for about 3 days, and was very tired by mid afternoon for about a week.


Sugar (I did this along with carbs in general): headache, lethargy (as above) + extreme exhaustion - I fell asleep in the morning, barely able to shower, dozed off an on all day on about day 5, energy increased from about day 9 onwards, and cravings ceased after about 20 days. Now I feel fantastic, losing weight and can actually imagine eating low carb / no sugar for the long term.

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