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Frustrated with my body! Warning...TMI

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Background: Had gestational diabetes with all three pregnancies that I was able to control with diet. Have hypoglycemia that I am constantly having to fight with diet. Have Hashimotos hypothyroidism, but TSH, T3, etc stay in check with Levoxyl. Had my gall bladder removed about five years ago. Have high triglycerides.


I went to my doc that practices natural medicine the other day with a severe pain in my side. He said my pancreas was inflamed. I also ALWAYS fight constipation, bloating, and tenderness in my abdomen despite eating plenty of fiber and drinking tons of water. Then when I do go after several days, I go and go and go until I have very watery bms. Then I will not go again for days and then the process repeats. I am not overweight. I exercise somewhat regularly. I eat mostly natural though I do occassionally eat poorly for a week or so. It is not a habit and I eat FAR better than most people I know....no processed foods.


Now, I know that my body wasn't performing correctly or I would not have had gall stones, but I really wish docs would inform you of all of the issues that you can have after gall bladder removal and tried to pinpoint the underlying causes of the stones and correct those issues instead of ripping it out. My doc that I see now says that he could have gotten rid of my stones within a week. And, he has done it for people I know personally, so I KNOW he is truthful.


I also know that not all of my problems would be corrected if I had a healthy gall bladder, but it would be a lot easier to work on those issues. Everything is connected and the more I research some of my issues, the more I learn that problem A is a cause of gall stones, gall bladder removal causes problem B which in turn causes problem C. To correct problem ?, you need to correct problem ? which is caused by issues related to no gall bladder.


So, I read that part of the cause of pancreas problems is high triglycerides. Well, my triglycerides are high because my body doesn't control bile properly, therefore, fats are not processed correctly. If we had flushed those stones out of my gall bladder, then tried to correct underlying issues that caused the gall stones, then my gall bladder may be working correctly and thus...no pancreas issues. My digestion issues drive me crazy and I have learned online that lots of people have the same issues after gall bladder removal.


So, now I want to try to get pg and I am wondering if my body is up to it. ARGH!

Edited by mothergooseofthree
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Have you tried a no-grain or paleo type diet? It might help with the digestive issues.


I have not tried cutting out grains. I LOVE THEM!!!!! I guess I should try it for a while to see if it helps. I already have to watch my carbs so closely it just irks me to think of giving up my beloved bread that I grind wheat and make.


Have you tried digestive enzymes? I've taken them since I had my gallbladder out. As long as I take them faithfully, I don't have any problems. If I slack off, I start having issues.


Yes, my doc has me on digestive enzymes and ox bile. They help, but don't cure the issue.

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:grouphug: I had Hashimoto's, undiagnosed for several years, had my thyroid out, had cancer treatment, and I'm feeling mostly better now. Could your endo help you with your pancreas and gallbladder issues? Have you tried Atkins to regulate your blood sugar? We love bread here, too, but Atkins has helped us to reach some of our health goals. We also use psyllium husk (powder or capsules) to scrub out the old pipes. :D No diarrhea from it, just good and healthy daily poops. You should have a bowel movement at least once every day.


Do not give up hope for good health. As tiring as it can be, you have to advocate for yourself, for as long as it takes to become healthy. At times, self-advocacy means pushing harder than what might seem to be "polite." Try to explain to your family members how exhausted and frustrated you are to be "in this body," but reassure them that you are doing all you can to push ahead to better health. Recruit them to be your support system and ongoing encouragement. Ask for prayer (if you believe that helps). :grouphug:

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Have you tried a no-grain or paleo type diet? It might help with the digestive issues.


:iagree: When I cut gluten from my diet, 90% of my digestive issues resolved. When I cut caffeine, the other 10% resolved. I can still eat a moderate amount of gluten-free grains, but too much and my GERD returns. Any caffeine at all and it returns with a vengeance. My general digestive and...ahem...BM cycle was just like you described. If I were you, I would try eliminating both (though maybe not at the same time!) and see how you feel.


My doctor told me that you cannot eliminate gall stones--that your only option is to have it removed. I had a CT scan recently that showed my gall bladder to be "impacted with innumerable tiny stones." :scared: I would love to hear about how your doctor has helped people eliminate them! Do you know any more that you could share?

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I also have Hashimoto's that was recently diagnosed. I have been toying with the idea of going gluten-free to reduce inflammation. I don't have all the issues that you're dealing with but be sure to research the gluten and thyroid connection. If your body has a lot of antibodies, it could cause other problems, even if your bloodwork appears normal. Anyway, just my take on it...I've only been researching for a few days....


I hope you feel better soon!!:grouphug:

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I don't do Atkins, but I do low carb. I mainly do natural and watch the glycemic load of foods that I eat. If I watch just carbs, I have to do one serving per meal. I also eat a small snack every three hours to even glucose levels. This keeps my hypoglcemia in check.


I did grain free when I first started going to this doc for about two months. He required it to reset my body and I remember feeling good, but can't remember if it helped with my digestion. It is how I got my hypoglycemia in check and now I just maintain it as stated above. Maybe I need to revisit this.


I looked at the Paleo diet and it doesn't look appealing to me, but I ordered the book and may give it a try. I am not ruling it out, but it would not be my favorite either.


As for the gall stones, I am not sure how he did it. I know a couple of people personally that had a sonogram that showed tons of stones, did his home remedy, and next sono showed nothing. Their surgeons where shocked. I asked one and she said it involved Coke and olive oil and something else, so it sounds like a flush(pun intended) of some sort.

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As for the gall stones, I am not sure how he did it. I know a couple of people personally that had a sonogram that showed tons of stones, did his home remedy, and next sono showed nothing. Their surgeons where shocked. I asked one and she said it involved Coke and olive oil and something else, so it sounds like a flush(pun intended) of some sort.


:001_huh: That's the kidney stone flush! Weird, I'll have to research more on that!


ETA: Just wanted to add that I didn't give up all carbs, just gluten-containing grains (including oatmeal). My body has been OK with that. My weight, on the other hand, is telling me that the carbs should probably go :glare:

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I was also going to recommend trying to go gluten free. Ds had abdominal pain for months. (We had a heads up because we knew he had several risk factors for celiac disease.) He went on an extremely strict gluten free diet for 3 months. When we re-introduced gluten, his body had a violent reaction---total rejection. He's now gluten free and has no stomach aches.

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I am certain they both had gall stones, not kidney stones. I need to ask them what the specifics were.


If you find out more, would you post here? I would love to know. I have both kidney stones and gall stones (thanks Dad :glare:), so I'm curious and will try just about anything before having to deal with surgery (apple cider vinegar :ack2:).



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Oh boy, do I feel your pain. No answers....just :grouphug: from someone who is also dealing with Hashimoto's, PCOS, and insulin issues. Add a touch of chronic pain/fibro....and some manic depression from it all...and you got me.


I just am sick of being sick. Sick...sick...sick of it.


I am sorry you are dealing with illness....



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