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Random Acts of Kindness Week 3 of 52

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So, we are moving into our third week of our Random Acts of Kindness Challenge and it's been great hearing about what you all have been doing!


To reiterate, it doesn't matter how big or how small your Random Act of Kindness is over any given week. The idea is to just improve somebody's life, mood, spirits, week, or day in some way, no matter how big or small. Happiness is contagious. By doing nice things for other people, you're bound to make not just them feel good, but yourselves, too! And by involving the kids, the whole family, you'll be making THEM feel good, and teaching them to do good, too...it's a win/win!


It doesn't matter who the recipient is. It can be a friend, a relative, someone in your own household, a complete stranger, an animal friend. It can be someone truly needy, or truly deserving, or it may be one of those weeks where it is just someone you allow in front of you on the checkout line. Just DO something to brighten somebody's day each week.


I hope you'll join in on this challenge and post to the threads I'll be posting each week to let us all know what you did!


This way, we can offer each other accountability to continue on with the challenge, inspiration as we give each other new ideas, can share fun stories of what we did and how people reacted and so on, and, okay, give each other a little bit of well-deserved recognition, too. :)


This is the place to chat this week, which runs from Sunday, December 4 to Saturday, December 10. Come share your ideas, ask for ideas, tell us about the things you end up doing, comment on other people's stories, and so on.


Looking forward to hearing from you!

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While leaving Wal-mart, I noticed an elderly woman wandering up and down the parking lot so I pulled over and asked her if she needs some help finding her car. She hops in my front seat and up/down the lanes we go....looking for her red car. When we couldn't find it, I asked more questions.....it seems that her husband drove and is still in the car and since he has a walker they always park in the handicap spot. Well, those spots are right smack in front of the main entrance! So I delivered her there pronto!



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I'd be happy about it, too. I hate dealing with snow!



Aw so she forgot where they parked? That was so sweet of you to drive her around looking for her car!



I love hearing stories of how the kids get involved with the planning and implementing. :)


I'm not sure yet what we will do this week!

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One of my dd's friends had emergency eye surgery last week and another this week. Dd offered to go read to her friend but the family is not able to accept her offer at the moment because they have so many doctor's appointments right now. Instead we sent her a Build-A-Bear with a Get Well Card and hopefully dd can go see her when she is further on the mend.


Oh, I forgot to post last week but we went to Target and picked out 10 pair of mittens and gloves to donate along with some canned goods to a shelter.

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I posted a hug on a friends fb page. Just because.




I had to share this one...though it wasn't something I did. Rather it was something that was done for me. :)


So I got paid today, and decided to splurge and go through a drive through for lunch. (Something I seldom do.) I pull up to order and see our pastor in front of us. We waved at each other, then I pulled forward to order. When I got up to the window to pay, she said, "He (pointing at pastor's truck) paid for your lunch."


I texted him to tell him thank you for buying our lunch, and he said, "Your welcome...thank you for all you and your family do for our church." Made my day.


Aw. That's great!


One of my dd's friends had emergency eye surgery last week and another this week. Dd offered to go read to her friend but the family is not able to accept her offer at the moment because they have so many doctor's appointments right now. Instead we sent her a Build-A-Bear with a Get Well Card and hopefully dd can go see her when she is further on the mend.


Oh, I forgot to post last week but we went to Target and picked out 10 pair of mittens and gloves to donate along with some canned goods to a shelter.


Build-A-Bears are awesome, my daughter loves those!


So, I hadn't found anything to do yet, so I made a point today when I left our hotel to look people in the eye and smile as I walked past them. One young man came up and asked me for a dollar, I gave him $5, he looked very happy.


Even just giving people a genuine smile can make them go about their day smiling! And I'm sure giving that young man more than he asked for made his day!


Well this week was nothing particularly major for me. I gave a friend from my homeschool group who doesn't have a vehicle rides to any field trips and activities that I was going to anyway, but I always offer to do that anyway since she only lives a town away from me. I let another friend in the group know that I appreciate her friendship, and made a point a few times of letting people ahead of me in traffic.


Anyone else have anything to share from this past week?

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