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Craziness this week at my house! Make me feel better and share yours?

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My mom had major surgery on Monday and is still in the hospital, so that started things off all out of kilter anyway (she is doing well and will probably get to go home this afternoon). Monday night, I stay at the hospital so I get home and go to sleep about 7 a.m. on Tuesday. So worry and little sleep were already affecting my stress levels.


It is tech week for DS's next play so he has theater rehearsal every night instead of just T/Th. :P


Wednesday, I had signed up (and paid) for a field trip to the flight museum in Dallas before I knew my mother's surgery was scheduled, so I felt like we should still go if we could. We live in a suburb and it is ~35 minute drive into Dallas. We go to the museum, have a good time, head home, stopping by my audiologist's office on the way back. We get back to town - which I am trying to hurry so I can stop by the hospital and check on Mom before heading to church for Littlest's children's choir Christmas performance, which I completely forgot about until the director posted something on Facebook that morning. :P Still needed to dig something up for her to wear that looks festive and presentable.


Since it is happy hour, we swing by Sonic for a quick drink, but... my coin purse is no where to be found. My coin purse, which contains my driver's license, credit card, student financial aid credit card, bank card, all the cash I have (which is really a very small amount) until DH gets paid on Saturday... I am FREAKING out! I also have one of my mom's cards I use sometimes when she wants me to buy things for the kids, you know, my mom that is in the hospital - I cannot imagine having to bother her with dealing with cancelling a credit card right now. Freak out some more! Leave Sonic and drive back to the convenience store where I got gas before going to Dallas (last place I had the coin purse), not there... call the audiologist's office, not there... dump purse out in the floor board of the car, not there... search the car at least four times, not there... call the museum - someone found it in the play area and turned it in. THEN, after the 30+ minutes of me having almost a total breakdown, Littlest admits she took it out of my purse and hid it!! Because she had asked me for a penny and I wouldn't give her one (she wanted money to put in a ride-on machine like they have outside Wla-Marts). I don't know that I have ever been so angry at one of my children. I had to get out of the car and calm down before I could even talk to her about what she had done. So then we drive back to Dallas (at 4:15 p.m. :P which means much more traffic), get the coin purse and drive home. Make it to church, watch her cute program, go by to see my mom and finally get home.


Thursday Littlest wakes up with a fever. :tongue_smilie:By afternoon she is miserable, other DD has a soccer game and DS has theater rehearsal, so I feel horrible asking Dad to leave the hospital and help out by taking DD to her game (but I don't want to take sick Littlest in there). I do take her with me to drop off DS, then back home.


Oh, did I mention I am supposed to leave Thursday for a training in Austin for my part-time job that lasts through Saturday - yeah, not happening. :tongue_smilie: I call and tell them I am not going to make it.


Friday morning, Littlest wakes me up telling me she had an accident in her pants (upset tummy and she didn't make it to the potty). Yay! Just the kind of clean up I love waking up to!


Then, DD comes in with a strip of self-stick tile from the bathroom re-do, crying for me to help the baby lizard stuck in the super-strong adhesive (DH had a couple of scraps left over and apparently the kids had pulled the backing paper off this one). We have tons of those tiny geckos around the house and they occasionally get in the house. The kids love them, so seeing this one stuck in the glue was traumatic for DD. I did my best to unstick him, but I think he lost all his toes off his front feet and part of his tail. :ack2: His tummy was stuck, too. He was moving around a bit after I got him off, and he isn't where I put him outside now, so I am hoping he crawled off to recover on his own - at least that is what I am telling DD. Truthfully though, if he lives, it will be surprising bc he was in pretty bad shape.


We are totally broke bc DH just switched jobs and we are in that period between last paycheck from the old job and the new paycheck from the new job, which is of course on a different pay cycle. I have several huge assignments for my masters program to get done this weekend since it is the end of the semester and I am totally unmotivated and all the stress around the house isn't helping. I am just wondering what other crazy thing is going to happen next...


So make me feel better: What have your kids done that made you so angry? Any crazy critter encounters? Any other stress stories that you can now look back and laugh?

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:grouphug:Whew what a week you have had. I hope things get better, and less crazy.


I thought I had a bad week. It started on Sunday. We drove home after a 5 day visit to various relatives. We were delayed in traffic an extra 2 1/2 hours because of several accidents. The baby screamed on and off for about 4 of the 8 hours we were in the car. Middle ds was sick the moment we arrived home, thankfully he made it to the bathroom in time. Unfortunately, he was sick again that night in his bed. Tuesday oldest ds got sick, and I followed him a few hours later. Nursing a baby while being sick is no fun.:tongue_smilie: Youngest ds got sick in his bed in the middle of the night. Dh has a very weak stomach, so he helped me walk to his room, found clean pjs, ect., while I very slowly removed the soiled bedding.:lol: Wednesday dc watched Christmas dvds while I was pretty much out of it. I have never been this sick. Thursday was spent trying to catch up on laundry. (we ran out of clean blankets) This morning dh wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home. Now the baby isn't eating very much, and doesn't seem to be feeling well.

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I have my entire office over for a party tomorrow and am trying to prepare gingerbread houses for everyone to decorate and I realize this was a terrible idea. And my Father, who lives next door, and has dementia, is holed up in my house peeking behind the curtains because he thinks someone is trying to get him.

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Dh left Saturday to Ohio for his new job.


We'll be coasting until sometime late next week when he gets his last paycheck from his old job. Then about a week before Christmas he'll get a paycheck from his new job.


He said he would either rent a house or an apartment. The apartment would be on a three month lease, so we wouldn't move up there for three months (the children and me). If he rented a house, we could try to wrap stuff up here quickly and move there. He told me today he found an apartment.


My sons are trying to finish the rental property we own since it is now up for sale and being shown. They've never installed vinyl flooring or carpeting, but they are doing it now. Since they are busy doing that they aren't here helping with this. Plus it is stressful trying to deal with getting what they need and figuring out how to install it. Remember, money is tight so installers aren't really an option. They are progressing, so I'm thankful they can do that.


DH called earlier in the week and said the new health insurance wants birth certificates on the children. I can only find 2. The rest must be packed into a sea of boxes. Unfortunately I did not pack all the boxes so am not sure which one. I'll have to go get them replacements.


My toilet broke. The microwave over the stove broke. One of my sons fixed the toilet. The microwave will sit until around Christmas. So until then, we live like The Waltons (yeah, I'm dramatic. I'm not really that soft as I lived 6 months with no electricity back in 1999).


A lot of my school items are packed because I thought we'd be moving sooner after all. My dh took a lot of my pans and things for himself, so I'm trying to cook dinner with just a few. I can't find anything because some stuff is packed, sitting in boxes in the middle of the house or in the garage.


If we are going to be here for three months, I don't want to paint (every room needs painting) now because there will be wear and tear over a 3 month period. So, I have to juggle painting and installing carpet here while leaving enough time for things to still look nice yet be ready to go when ready. Oh, and I have to figure out how to refinish cabinet doors.


Plus, my little guy is looking like he might be getting sick. I don't even know if we are insured at this point.


We are coasting on cash until next payday due to the weird cycle (my heart goes out to you, OP). This means that I'm not grocery shopping. I've been buying necessities and bits and pieces to make dinner. I went to make dinner today, and the pantry is a mess. There are 50 billion cans of potatoes (only a slight exaggeration) and several boxes of "Helper" (Tuna and Hamburger). First, I have no idea where those canned potatoes came from as I don't use canned potatoes. Second, I haven't cooked any "Helper" foods in six or more years. We have cake mix, lots. The only veggies were a can asparagus and a can of peas (and some sausage-flavored spaghetti sauce). I made three boxes of Mac and Cheese, a few chicken nuggets and some chicken patties, and a can of peas. If you knew me you'd know how painful that is. I don't like processed nuggets/patties and am not a fan of boxed Mac and Cheese. I ate Cheerios.


Anyway, my week isn't as bad as the OPs. I'm just realizing how icky the next three months will be. Now, I'm off to wallow in my own self-pity for a bit. Oh, plus, dh and I haven't been apart more than 14 days total over the course of a million years (ie: I'm old), so I've gone through the "I miss him" stage, already, to the "I'm a bit mad at him" stage today. I've avoided talking to him today because I don't want to be mad at him. Maybe the next stage will be better.


Adding, because I'm not pathetic enough, that we've lived in this same county our entire lives. When we've moved it has always been local. I was pregnant during most of the moves. This means that we didn't purge like we should have. There were still boxes in the garage from when we bought this house eight years ago. We have so much "junk" that the moving company quoted the relocation people a cost of nearly $20,000. Yeah. No kidding. So, I've been throwing away, donating, going through, packing, cleaning, evaluating, etc. It is a huge undertaking. The Goodwill people know us. The other day one of the workers saw us pull into the parking lot. He ran in and grabbed a huge cart. Also, I really need a boat to sell. Moving it will be a pain, and this isn't a good time to sell a boat (near the holidays..winter). I'm off to wallow some more. The good thing about tears is that it keeps your skin nice and moist. :D

Edited by Myeightkiddies
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Dh left Saturday to Ohio for his new job.


We'll be coasting until sometime late next week when he gets his last paycheck from his old job. Then about a week before Christmas he'll get a paycheck from his new job.


He said he would either rent a house or an apartment. The apartment would be on a three month lease, so we wouldn't move up there for three months (the children and me). If he rented a house, we could try to wrap stuff up here quickly and move there. He told me today he found an apartment.


My sons are trying to finish the rental property we own since it is now up for sale and being shown. They've never installed vinyl flooring or carpeting, but they are doing it now. Since they are busy doing that they aren't here helping with this. Plus it is stressful trying to deal with getting what they need and figuring out how to install it. Remember, money is tight so installers aren't really an option. They are progressing, so I'm thankful they can do that.


DH called earlier in the week and said the new health insurance wants birth certificates on the children. I can only find 2. The rest must be packed into a sea of boxes. Unfortunately I did not pack all the boxes so am not sure which one. I'll have to go get them replacements.


My toilet broke. The microwave over the stove broke. One of my sons fixed the toilet. The microwave will sit until around Christmas. So until then, we live like The Waltons (yeah, I'm dramatic. I'm not really that soft as I lived 6 months with no electricity back in 1999).


A lot of my school items are packed because I thought we'd be moving sooner after all. My dh took a lot of my pans and things for himself, so I'm trying to cook dinner with just a few. I can't find anything because some stuff is packed, sitting in boxes in the middle of the house or in the garage.


If we are going to be here for three months, I don't want to paint (every room needs painting) now because there will be wear and tear over a 3 month period. So, I have to juggle painting and installing carpet here while leaving enough time for things to still look nice yet be ready to go when ready. Oh, and I have to figure out how to refinish cabinet doors.


Plus, my little guy is looking like he might be getting sick. I don't even know if we are insured at this point.


We are coasting on cash until next payday due to the weird cycle (my heart goes out to you, OP). This means that I'm not grocery shopping. I've been buying necessities and bits and pieces to make dinner. I went to make dinner today, and the pantry is a mess. There are 50 billion cans of potatoes (only a slight exaggeration) and several boxes of "Helper" (Tuna and Hamburger). First, I have no idea where those canned potatoes came from as I don't use canned potatoes. Second, I haven't cooked any "Helper" foods in six or more years. We have cake mix, lots. The only veggies were a can asparagus and a can of peas (and some sausage-flavored spaghetti sauce). I made three boxes of Mac and Cheese, a few chicken nuggets and some chicken patties, and a can of peas. If you knew me you'd know how painful that is. I don't like processed nuggets/patties and am not a fan of boxed Mac and Cheese. I ate Cheerios.


Anyway, my week isn't as bad as the OPs. I'm just realizing how icky the next three months will be. Now, I'm off to wallow in my own self-pity for a bit. Oh, plus, dh and I haven't been apart more than 14 days total over the course of a million years (ie: I'm old), so I've gone through the "I miss him" stage, already, to the "I'm a bit mad at him" stage today. I've avoided talking to him today because I don't want to be mad at him. Maybe the next stage will be better.


Adding, because I'm not pathetic enough, that we've lived in this same county our entire lives. When we've moved it has always been local. I was pregnant during most of the moves. This means that we didn't purge like we should have. There were still boxes in the garage from when we bought this house eight years ago. We have so much "junk" that the moving company quoted the relocation people a cost of nearly $20,000. Yeah. No kidding. So, I've been throwing away, donating, going through, packing, cleaning, evaluating, etc. It is a huge undertaking. The Goodwill people know us. The other day one of the workers saw us pull into the parking lot. He ran in and grabbed a huge cart. Also, I really need a boat to sell. Moving it will be a pain, and this isn't a good time to sell a boat (near the holidays..winter). I'm off to wallow some more. The good thing about tears is that it keeps your skin nice and moist. :D


Oh, the thought of moving right now would just send me completely over the edge!! :grouphug: And even though DH is swamped with his own school and new job, he is home at night. I hope it gets easier! Thansk for the comiseration!

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I have my entire office over for a party tomorrow and am trying to prepare gingerbread houses for everyone to decorate and I realize this was a terrible idea. And my Father, who lives next door, and has dementia, is holed up in my house peeking behind the curtains because he thinks someone is trying to get him.


See, I am usually like that - grand, creative ideas that later make me go "What was I thinking?!?"


Sorry about your father, too! :grouphug:

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:grouphug:Whew what a week you have had. I hope things get better, and less crazy.


I thought I had a bad week. It started on Sunday. We drove home after a 5 day visit to various relatives. We were delayed in traffic an extra 2 1/2 hours because of several accidents. The baby screamed on and off for about 4 of the 8 hours we were in the car. Middle ds was sick the moment we arrived home, thankfully he made it to the bathroom in time. Unfortunately, he was sick again that night in his bed. Tuesday oldest ds got sick, and I followed him a few hours later. Nursing a baby while being sick is no fun.:tongue_smilie: Youngest ds got sick in his bed in the middle of the night. Dh has a very weak stomach, so he helped me walk to his room, found clean pjs, ect., while I very slowly removed the soiled bedding.:lol: Wednesday dc watched Christmas dvds while I was pretty much out of it. I have never been this sick. Thursday was spent trying to catch up on laundry. (we ran out of clean blankets) This morning dh wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home. Now the baby isn't eating very much, and doesn't seem to be feeling well.


Oh, I *hate* those middle of the night bedding changes. Thankfully we haven't had it that bad (yet!) and so far it is only Littlest, although older DD had a bot of a fever tonight. It sure stinks when the whole family is sick!!

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Oh, the thought of moving right now would just send me completely over the edge!! :grouphug: And even though DH is swamped with his own school and new job, he is home at night. I hope it gets easier! Thansk for the comiseration!


:grouphug: Oh, don't mind me. Just one of those blabbering days when I'm being a nincompoop. I hope next week goes better for you! :grouphug:

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Wow! What a week! :grouphug:


My 2 oldest bicker. Non-stop. It's literally the second they are awake until they go to bed. They drive me insane. :glare:


The youngest is a delight. He's always in a happy and bright mood.:001_smile:


I did catch him though putting his plastic horse figurine in the oven, turning it on and shutting the door. And drawing with Sharpie on the wall and our poor "I've seen it all" couch. And drawing with a red pen on our duvet. And pulling the bottom drawer out of dishwasher and getting inside. And flooding the kitchen. And running as fast as he could away from me in a busy parking lot.


I better stop now. :tongue_smilie:

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We start tech week for Willy Wonka Monday. We can move into the theatre Sunday. We have 4 days to have the set up and ready. I have 8 hours of rehearsal with 70+ 6-13 year olds. Then, I have to finish 32 pair of oompa loomed pants and make Willy Wonka's costume.


I am 5 weeks pregnant and already feeling the fatigue!


We are on vacation from school for my sanity :)


SIL and BIL (co-owners of academy) received travel dates for their adoption.....they leave a few days after Willy Wonka and will be gone parent watch week......


DH does Christmas lighting which means he works ALL day, and I have to find babysitter. (He is normally home before I leave.)


I hope you have a good weekend and a better week next week.

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