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Our littlest cat caught a mouse this morning. It's the first time I've seen a mouse in our current house. I'll be going to the store today to pick up some glue traps. My big concern is that we're going out of town for a month...and we leave Sarurday morning! We have a local teen coming to watch our two cats (one is into birds, the other mice apparently). Besides the glue traps, is there anything else about the mice I should be concerned about?

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If it were me, I'd get the D-Con poison wedges. The mouse eats the poison, and gets desperately thirsty and runs outside to find a drink...and dies outside of your house.


If you're concerned about the cat getting to the poison, you could put it somewhere that the cat can't get to...or inside of a basket or other open container that keeps out the cat but lets the mice in.


Just a thought. I'm not a fan of the glue traps. once they get dusty they're not very effective to begin with, and I just think it's an awful death for the animal.


If you do get them, remember to secure them to something...the mouse will, if it's able, take the glue trap with him as he escapes into an obscure corner to die and stink for months.

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Yikes glue traps?!? Please don't get those. That's a horrible way for the poor mice to go. I'd get a live trap. You bait it with some food, the mouse goes in and is trapped. It's like a small box with a see-thru lid so you can see if there's a mouse in there. Take the box outside, far from your house, and let it go. No killing or hurting of the poor mouse.

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Sadly, glue traps are the only thing, other than poison, that we have ever found that works.

If the mice are inside the house - then you should avoid poison. If the mouse dies inside, and the cat finds it and ingests it, the cat will be killed.

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Oh my...you said "glue traps". Might want to watch out...there was a thread a while back that got heated over this very thing. Imagine that! ;) I've used them too and they work great...no more inhumane than the other choices, save catching them to let them go. Cats were created for this job though and ever since we got two for this purpose, they've kept the mice away. Since you have cats, I'd let them do the job. JMHO :)

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Haha! I actually double checked all of the areas I would assume to find droppings if we had an infestation and I have seen NOTHING. So...I am left to conclude the littlest cat actually brought the mouse in. I won't be using poison inside because of the kids and my cats. The housing traps would end up the same as the glue traps because we WILL be gone...so the poor mouse'd die the same way.


Luckily, I'm not too concerned about the indoors because I will have two male cats inside for a month.

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